Stu’s Reviews- #791- Book – “Runner”- Thomas Perry

Genre: Book  

Grade: A-

Notable People: Thomas Perry

Title: Runner

Review: The sixth of nine books in this unusual series featuring Seneca Indian mystic, Jane Whitefield, who helps people who need to disappear. Each story involves multifaceted threats of kinds you cannot imagine as harmless folk try to avoid being taken out by gangland types, contract killers or just plain evil people. Jane may be the true anti-hero, a quiet woman trying to live an unobtrusive life, who keeps getting dragged back into situations to help people out of options to survive, that she may be the only human equipped to do. Masterfully conceived and executed, with fine character development and a great sense of place; this one criss crosses the country from the heart of Seneca Nation in the Adirondacks to the left coast. Really hard to put these down, and am bothered that he may have quit developing these as last one published in 2021. As an aside, Perry ranks at the summit of male writers to ever try to speak through a female protagonist. Would have never guessed the author is male.

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