Stu’s Reviews- #794- Book – “Storm Watch”- CJ Box

Genre: Book                                          

Grade: A-

Notable People: CJ Box

Title: Storm Watch

Review: the latest in Box’s wonderful series, featuring Wyoming Game Warden Joe Pickett, is a whirlwind of tension set amidst the storm of the century in rural Wyoming. Box continues to find ways to enliven what might seem like a mundane job of fish and game violations; at various times mixing in Soviet spies, Chinese obstructions, deep state plots and larger than life characters. Joes sometimes best buddy, Nate Romanowski, remains one of the most interesting characters invented in modern American literature. You may have to suspend belief a bit to buy into these plots, but they are so well written and the characters and places so vivid, it is absolutely worth it. Consider starting at the beginning of this great series.

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