Stu’s Reviews- #800- Book – “Until August””- Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Genre: Book                               

Grade: A

Notable People: Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Title: Until August

Review: What a rare treat- a new issue from one of the great writers of the 20th century. “Gabo” began writing a series of five novellas in 2001 and published several in next few years. This one got stuck in many iterations and then his dementia set in, and he chose to give up on it. He died in 2014 and almost ten years after his editor took it up again and his sons decided to publish it. There has been criticism of this as a money grab that Gabo did not want to publish, but it stands up as a fine part of his métier-a wonderful novella about a woman who finds totally out of character love once a year on an island she visits where her mother is buried. Classically Gabo and full, of grace and light wit. For those of us who cut our chops on a 100 Years of Solitude and Love in the Time of Cholera, this is an unexpected and magnificent gift; for those too young or unfamiliar, give it a shot, but try the classics.

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