Stu’s Reviews- #801- Book – “The Midnight Library””- Matt Haig

Genre: Book         

Grade: B+

Notable People: Matt Haig

Title:  The Midnight Library

Review: Another in my line of books from the Chicago Tribune’s top Ten from 2023, this fantastical fable is filled with wonder and possibility. Nora Seed live in a beat down town outside of London with a dead end job and a lonely life. After her only real connection- her cat- dies, she gives up and takes an overdose. She then finds herself in the magnificently constructed and imagined Midnight Library, where she discovers her own infinite number of parallel universes and lives; which are all based on her book of regrets. Confusing? Maybe a little, but her chronicle of trying to find a life that is meaningful and her trying out of lives that might be worth living for, is quite energizing and captivating. This book was a pleasant surprise; hard to put down and well written, thought I thought it faded away at the end, and became a bit more predictable. Still, a quality read and a unique concept.

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