WE ARE BACK!!!!!!!

Old Friends:

“From the moment we cease trying to swim upstream and begin to flow with the current, something changes within us” ………………………………………………. Arthur Sokoloff

“It’s never too late to take a moment to just look”………………………………………………………………………………………………Sharon Salzburg

“Over white cotton cloth spread out in the sun…billowing clouds” …………………………..Koyoroku

“The more we change, the more we remain the same” …………………………………… Who knows

We arrived …but just barely….so still in the nexus of a zillion things to do……. thus, a short welcome BLOG……listening to Ferlin’ rant from a 2001 Bunty show on “Ten to One” ……. how weird is it to hear your own rants live on the computer…? Only in America…. here with our short lived legend of a bass player Richard, singing the Seeds and Stems Again blues”.

But, I’m already digressing….leaving was less tumultuous than usual, notwithstanding my car reverting to it’s demon state of flashing random lights accompanied by instant loss of transmission power…….just days before flight…that led to last minute, last breath of my expiring extended warranty trip to the hated dealer….which pinned us down to the last minute before it was fixed (we’ll see about that-  last year it took 3 months) before we left Thursday….and as a result,  enjoyed a three hour enforced thunder storm break and wound up  having to pack the car top carrier at  nine at night completing the “it’s always something experience”………but by early Thursday, undeterred, we headed north, then East….a drop dead gorgeous travel day, that left the flatlands behind after a half day, and led us into the proverbial wilderness…..

Unusually for us, we drove tight thru, powered by a massive lunch pail in each car, and then a quick Diner stop at the Greeks’ in Troy, before turning north thru the pines…with our new beloved Consumer Cellular service working every step of the way through the valleys and the mounts….no shit…and then at our house for the first cell service ever….no BIG shit!!

The yard was a mess, we could not find anything. Reclamation gets harder with senior moments…. but on balance, all good, maybe even more than good. Leaving the grand-progeny behind no small task…and the last supper with Tess and kids on Monday had me crying an ocean as little Parkie and Sloanie exhorted me for one more hug Papi from their respective car seats just before driving off into the sunset…a piece of my heart leaving with them…as it was with my new band mates and my old friends of winter re-connection…not to mention the 3 minutes away Chinese food……. but then…. but then…. but then….

Lucy and The Queen are both clearly in unchained heaven, Saffron is busy with a treasure trove of meece hunting in the basement, the house is in good shape, the yard is conquered for now after two day of whacking, pruning, push mowing, mowing and chain cutting-and though I do wonder if maybe we are becoming too long-toothed for this………………… that gets assuaged by the visit welcome-home visits from the long-lost Trailer –Masseuse and  the persistent Dumpmaster who feels in his bones (like rain brought arthritis)  that it is to go to flirt with TQ, then by having Lucy’s little friend, Ivy, show back up, then a lovely post exhausting sunset dinner at DJ’s in Ludlow, and the sight of The (full) Pond once again bursting forth from the shooting fountain.

In between workloads, we managed a short trek to the wonderful Kelly’s Snack-shack in Wallingford for burgers, A+ hand –cut fries and …you bet…. Best Creamees anywhere (we should ask Lucy how good the fries and Creamees were)…..and of course the first dirt road walk amidst the grand verdant Greens.

See you for more Ramblin’……. both afoot and to you-each Sunday …or thereabouts….

Happy summer………yours in Heart……Papi

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