Stu’s Reviews- #811- TV Series – “In Flanders Fields””- PBS- 1 Season (French/ Belgian with sub-titles and some English)

Genre: TV Series     

Grade: B+/A-

Notable People: Lize Feryn, Wietse Tanghe, Matthieu Sys, Barbara Serafian, Wim Opbreauk, Sven Mattke, Created by: Jan Matthys

Title: In Flanders fields

Review: Ten part 2014 gritty mini-series on BBC/PBS (who are clearly the new kings of drama) telling the story of the Boesman family living under German occupation in Ghent, Belgium during the first world war. Flanders Fields is a common English name of the World War I battlefields in Belgium and France. The battle scenes can be an assault on the senses- as this “war to end all wars certainly was”. The horrors of the gas attacks are well portrayed as is the brutal lack of regard the Germans had for those they conquered. The story is told thru the lens of a successful doctor, his wife and their three adult (ish) children; all of whom become intricately involved in the war. No happy endings here- but very well done drama with no lack of surprises.  

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