Stu’s Reviews- #812- Book – “Harbor Lights: Stories””- James Lee Burke

Genre: Book       

Grade: A-

Notable People: James Lee Burke

Title:  Harbor Lights: Stories

Review: Burke, who may be Americas most gifted and greatest living writer- has become prolific in his old age; now putting out an extraordinary two books a year in his late 80s. This is his astounding second in 2024 alone and is a collection of eight short stories and novellas. A bit uneven; with maybe three classic, three very good and two a little drifting-but still……..his characters transcend any time or place-though they are well ensconced, usually either in remote Montana or the deep Bayou in rural Louisiana. This, like all his books, is full of raw power, pinpoint imagery and deep exploration of our shared psyches-from his lens as a tortured war vet, hanging- by- a- thread recovering addict and grieving father. To say more is superfluous, so instead I will quote from late in his last novella of this collection:

“What am I looking for? The past. The space where most of our answers lie. And also the place foe which we have the least respect. The human personality never changes. Read The History of the Church by Eusebius. It’s not about the church; it’s about 4th-century Rome and ultimately about us. We witness the deaths of the martyrs in the arena, but the Herd and most of the other players are the same bunch that are with us today, totally committed to the dirty boogie and doing it in four-four time.” ………………………………………………..WOW…………………………….

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