Genre: TV Series
Grade: A-/B+
Notable People: Katja Riemann, Elisa Schlott, Anna Marie Muhe, Vanessa Loibl, Hans Wagner, Directed by: Elmar Fischer
Title: Our Miracle Years
Review: In a politically, morally and economically devastated country, three sisters of an industrialist Wolff family in post-war Germany reinvent themselves and set the course for their future. Potent drama that tells the often neglected story of the German experience following the war; centered around the aftereffects of the Nuremberg trials on former Nazis and the split of the country into two conflicting states. Extremely well-acted and poignant, and a powerful study of the rise of woman-power in Europe after the war. Riemann is brilliant the widow of a disgraced company director who commits suicide after being nailed as a Nazi collaborator- really powerful role. Very authentic production and will keep you riveted around the shadows of our shared, but limited, knowledge of this time and place, though waned a bit at the end of the second (and clearly final) season. Original German production was interestingly called “Our WONDERFUL Years”.