The Hills Are Alive……

Hey, Hey, My, My:

“A crescent moon sitting in the boat, moonlight on my lap” ……………………Taigi

“Be still….and Heal” ………………………………………………………………Thich Nhat Hanh

“Listen, Mate…I certainly don’t’ want to be singing Satisfaction when I’m 65” ……Mick Jagger (1980)

Well, I’m two days late and two dollars short……. after only mildly recovering from the week of Bunty- Band chaos………honestly it is too much fun, debauchery, zaniness, laughter, herding of herd…and sore finger nubs to really recount effectively……but the photos do pretty well….

The Nave discovered our theme for the week……The SHAME Gong on his phone, which we used repeatedly any time someone uttered a shameful mouthful…which was pretty much every half hour…. oh… THE SHAME……

We carried on way beyond our cumulative “DOTTAGE…….

Our 24-year-old Cello (really) player clearly has an empty third leg…….and ate 17 meals a day……. while pursuing any and every experience The Greens have to offer ……loved the Dumpmaster summit…….he also somehow retrieved a fellow wood sprite lady off  the Appalachian trail…the two of them could only be described as The Bobbsey Twins… The POND together, I could not tell which was which…….

Vegans like cake and chocolate a lot more than evil diary…. they CAN be tempted by such……

“I got up to touch my bottom” ……………………………………

“I really like to BLING…….

The gardens and eccentric buildings of the Fourth Corner Foundation, in Wyndham, are pretty much indescribable……….

Food week:

  • Kelly’s of Wallingford Creamees- untouchable
  • Kelly’s lunch menu- B+
  • Maple Leaf diner- Londonderry- greasy B+
  • Ramuntos NY Pizza- Rutland- …you know the answer by now…
  • The Brownsville Butcher- A+
  • The Queens’ nightly dinner for 15…….by candlelit porch…. with wine and memories if Johnny 99…. beyond PRICELESS
  • Mojos tiny table for 10 on a Friday night in Ludlow……. A with a bullet……

How many musicians does it take to shop a grocery list….no woman…? just post-adolescent males…….

What is it like to rise to a cello concerto each morning…regardless of your mental state?

“200 years of persecution runs through my veins” ……….

How any bee stings can one person get in one week?

Can six 70ish music guys figure out how to get a PA working when a cords is gathered to listen……. apparently only when a 60ish youngster comes to the rescue (THANK YOU, JEB)

Music, music, tunes, pickin’ grinnin’ Tie dye ‘in……

Old, old friends….and new friends…and Vermonters…. ===…. The Bunty Orchestra…a week for the ages………What’s’ new pussycat?……..

Go now……. guess I gotta go now………let me count the joys……. Nave…. Feel…. Brother Al…. Mitch-man………Young Ferd……Marco……Mike-meister……Plastic Jesus Girl and Hubs……and the Vermont crew……love you to death…..anyone’s’ death…..

THE CIRCLE REMAINS UNBROKEN……………We will always love and miss you, Lloydie…………

Downtown Charlie Brown…. till we meet again……NAP TIME……….

Ferlin’- of the Steaks and Chops and Bunty Boys

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