Stu’s Reviews- #819- Book – “The color of Water””- James McBride

Genre: TV Series            

Grade: A-/B+

Notable People: James McBride

Title: The Color of Water

Review: This very moving testament to his mother from McBride, a noted musician and writer, who was one of 12 black children born of, and raised by a white mother, starting in the 1940s. From the deep south to the notorious Red Hook (housing) Projects of Brooklyn and Harlem in its golden age, it a wonderful tale; alternating his and his mother’s story; she of an orthodox Jewish family and rabbi father, who became fully invested in black America at a time when it was not an easy choice (is it ever?). The parallels between the Jewish and African –American experience are potent; as is the sense of loss and alienation for her and for her children. Poignantly written with a great deal of emotion, it is a work worth pursuing, though, admittedly, I would not see McBride as a top echelon writer…but his story…..  

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