Quiet Descends on The Greens

HOLA Y Buenos Dias:

“The flowers fall for all our yearning; weeds grow, regardless of our dislike” ……………ZEN

“AH…The uguisu pooped on the rice cakes on the verandah?” ………………………Are You Kidding?

“Ooh, Baby, Baby…. It’s a Wild World” …………………………………………………………………………………………………Cat Stevens

Well, it’s been a quiet week at The Mount; the week of recovery and renewal………………………  And very, VERY quiet.  After an incredible six weeks of house painting, trekking across the country for a visit to the heartland, the exotica of Band Week and then a week of granddaughters…………………………  It was time to turn off and tune out………………………………….  Still, here are my ruminations on late August in The Greens:

This week’s Fun Vermont Fact: there is still an original living Von Trapp family member hanging out up Stowe way……………………………  At the Trapp Family Lodge………………….  where the Sound of Music remains vibrant…………………………  Sadly, no Julie Andrews…………………………………….

My ZEN observation of the week: “there was nothing about this turnoff that suggested this” ………………

Mid-August in Vermont means 75 degree day’s journey into 35° nights………………………  And sneaking peeks at the start of our Leafy Glory……………………………  More to come…….

After a certain age the role of Death and Dying becomes stunningly more prominent………………………………  We lost one acquaintance here our first nine years of living here……………………………  Over the last three, we have had four people pass, two friends losetheir spouse, and regularly seen to have people in Hospice………………………  Aging is not for Wussies, my friends…………… 

Sunday’s are often highlight days for us- meandering drives, dirt road walks and search for adventure………  Last week the drive was down the western slopes to little Putney……….  A walk on the great Rail Trails system, lunch on the ground, the drive up the Route 30 Falcons Cliffs corridor………………  Abandoned buildings and factories tell us stories of times and lives gone by……………….  Listen closely and you can hear the shadows………………………….

Have you ever considered the number of abandoned campuses in this country………………………?  Last week we came upon the beauty and serenity of the late Green Mountain college in Poultney……  abandoned five years ago for not meeting the threshold of economic viability………………………….  It now sits as a magnificent post monument to education, thriving community and ideals………………………………  But let’s be real, how many homeless people could be housed on these campuses……………how many events that could help the community thrive could be happening………………….  Use the empty, fill the void…… 

This Sunday, we wandered east to Chester and Bellows Falls (then donning our masks to slip over to the Land of Live FREE or Die -for cheap alcohol purchase) ………………………. stopped at a giant Estate sale, (Does an “Estate Sale” by title, increase prices by 50% over plain old yard and garage sales?) ……….  On to a dirt road hike at the Andover Road Pass ………………………….  That produced the latest entry in the Queens effort to fulfill her palatial dreams via scavenging………………….  This, producing a new rule that all outings need be accompanied by the collection a flat river rocks………  Which could lead to reaching appropriate accumulation and become a true Vermonty stone wall right in our front yard…………………………………  Further pushing our Flatlander-ness to the distant past…… 

We seem to lately have made inroads into inclusion with the hirsute fifth local in- crowd, such as it is…………………………  But with regular invitations to a ménage of community gatherings………….  Most of which The Queen attends……………………………  And for which the Papi routinely hides……….  Though the weekly Monday night music has recently become quite improvisational………….  Sending the traditional Folkies scampering for the exits…………………  While the cats are away……….

How about Bernie?……………………….  81 years of fire and brimstone…………………………  And then, the Obama royalty……………………………….  What a party……………………….  The most restored my faith in the potential of our democracy has been in some time……………  And where in the world has this Kamala been……………………….  Taking my breath away at the moment…………….  What a novel idea that we might have dignity at our helm.……….  And that the Complainer N’ Chief may be more likely to wear an orange jumpsuit then to take up space at the Oval………………………………………. please don’t bury me in that cold, cold ground…………. I’d rather that you cut me up, and pass me all around…………

In my search to replace my late point and shoot camera, I took it this week down to Trader Ricks’ House of Bizarre, in West Rutland……………………………………….  At which you can buy the remnants of every attic, basement, garage and self-storage unit for the entire Northeast United States………………………  That is, if you can make it down one of the aisles without being crushed by ancient trombones, shovels, axes or un-sheathed swords…………………………….  And all forms of 30 year defunct electronics……………  But no point and shoot……….

Thursday was catch up shopping day ………………………………  So into Rutland for the Miracle Mile and shop till we drop…………………………………  Sneaking in a visit to Ernie’s Hand Carved for a lo-cal pastrami and corned beef combo…………………….  Followed by some local donuts……………………  On the way home, scored a single remaining tickets to Weston playhouse (you can always find ONE ticket………………………….  Since The Queen was busy with her Court, took myself out for the solo theater outing and the magnificence of The Porch on Windy Hill……………  the premier of a wonderful new play, focusing on the post-Covid hate experiences of Asian Americans, but set in the heart of Appalachian town……………………  and with an extraordinary threesome of musicians creating brilliant old timey Americana music …………………….  Quite a contrast, scoring big both dramatically and musically……….  A rare feat……  20 dark- road minutes there and 20 home……  Allowing for an almost Broadway experience….  With free parking……………….

Headed up on Saturday night to Lake Nineveh to play music for a gathering of the elite………….  At a small private beach to which we would not usually be welcomed………….  But music is the ultimate remover of barriers…………………….  Maybe we need a better sound system at the border…………….  C’mon people now, smile on your brother….

And that my friends, is most certainly enough……………………  Without doubt for you and beyond doubt……. for me………

Keep coming back………………………………  It works if you work it……………………………Papi

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