Stu’s Reviews- #829- TV Series – “The Civil War by Ken Burns”- PBS -1 Season

Genre: TV Series             

Grade: A

Notable People: Ken Burns; narrated by David McCullough  

Title:  The Civil War

Review I’ve said before that Burns is the greatest documentarian in film history, and watching this epic (latest for me, old hat for him) does nothing to alter that. I sometimes think we should chuck the one-sided garbage we teach kids in school history classes and just have them watch all of Burns’ films. An absolute master if the craft, who his able to provide a rapturous experience, even for a time period, that prevents any actual any action footage. You can feel the schism that rocked this country viscerally as the story unfolds, and the characters come to life through anecdotes and historical narrative. It takes about 25 hours to watch this thing, which we do in short increments, but well, well worth the time. Brilliance.  

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