Les Autumn Leaves…..Indigenous People Summer is upon us…..

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to THE QUEEN…………… …Long live The Queen………………

“Master your instrument, Master the music, and then forget all that Bullsh*t……and just play”….Charlie Parker

“Da-Da-Da-Da-Da-Da…Da-Da………DA, DA, DA……’…you say it’s your birthday” …You Know Who!!

“Out of intense complexities, simplicities emerge” ………………………Winston Churchill

Oh…. what a beautiful morning………………………….  Perfect for the start of The Queen’s birthday month….  Feel and Mo just hit the road after a splendido overnight to kick off the birthday celebration………  on their to two (TUTU? weeks in Maine, and started their journey with their annual visit, they took us out for Jenn’s birthday to the magnificently decadent Homestyle Hostel in Ludlow.…………….  For previously unheard of libations and the grand gastronomy…………. we are all still feeling like we are carrying the weight of the dinner 12 hours later……… 

So, with the game afoot for six weeks of birthday activities to get started with today, The Blog will need to feature assorted random thoughts……….

Let’s talk about the immensely popular text response trend of “Loved, Liked, Laughed, Questioned”, as an apparently necessary time saving mechanism for our very busy daily lives……………. Firstly, I have finally acclimated to learning how to interpret both mimes and the cute little letters like LOL, TTYL, OMG…. which took me years………and now we have these nutcake responses……such as “Liked” to my text of “cannot talk toady, attending a friend’s funeral OR, “Loved” to “feeling sick, going to the doctor” OR “Laughed “to “I’m really worried about our democracy” ……well you get the drift…SO, what the F___…I may be a luddite………………but OMG…. REALLY? /??//

TQ and sister Jane had a wonderful week of not eating or drinking much of anything at an all- inclusive in Cancun (Best customers ever for the resort’s bottom line)…and I got the week of cat care…my one goal to keep Gracie alive for the week…..not dying on my watch…which requires multiple pills daily, cleaning up her projectile vomiting before she re-heats it, and sitting with her for nine required  feedings a cay so he might deign to eat …this is TRAUMA….The Trailer Masseuse came over to help a few times, and was a but paralyzed to not hurt her…so we freaked together…then …The Empress came over, grabbed her, told us both to suck it up and shut up, and jammed her pill down her throat…MORE Trauma…no mas…no mas…MORE TRAUMA…

BOTTOM LINE….al six pounds of GRACIE MAY LIVES!!!!!!!!!

And how about TQ The Terrorist…busted coming and going by customs for “RANDOM” bag checks and “special persons of interest” boarding…. did not appear very likely to make it home…and managed to arrive near midnight Friday…after 13 hours of travel….to Albany International (they fly to Montreal?) ….

AND…………. Birthday month is now Birthday SIX WEEKS…….

Can Sam Spade be alive? Check out bizarre new show on Netflix with the retired gumshoe played by Clive Owen (Bogey he is not!) ….

Does Papi like being home alone?……total engagement in dirt road/leaf peeping obsession with walks with Lucy…and peak late day autumn  light time……Oh….DA LITE….OH, DA LITE….Livin’ on sponge cake, watchin’ the sun bake…..in one week I had dinners of fried fish platter (twice), franks and beans, leftover tuna casserole, and some breakfast for dinner at 10 pm omelet concoction…………and watched 65 hours of baseball…..all of which may have compensated for cat feedings, medicines and litter boxes….one day i went to Rutland and forgot to come back……If only there was a nearby White Castle….that would be PERFECT…..

Speaking of late night and Albany airport pickups……let home with Lucy at around 8 pm Friday….and had found not much one for dining/time killing……but this one weird little Italian joint, Giuseppe’s, up on hill that we regularly pass, and wonder about , on the 7 in nowhere land……was open till midnight….not shockingly, turned out to be more dive than classic road hose….but hey, you play the cards you are dealt…..so had a nice dinner actually, including a piece of chicken parm that was clearly one whole chicken..…which I ate all of (pattern?)… …a nice Chianti (fave beans anyone) …and when it came the time to pay discovered it was cash only…. NOT…. So gave the owner my meager $20 so waitress could get tip and could pay at least part of my tab and they insisted I skip the rst….no worries…so, although we have learned there is clearly no FREE Lunch…there is, apparently, free dinner…but, oh the SHAME…. SHAME…. time to ill…. Catskill….

And Saturday, The Dumpmaster was absent along with ADM…. replaced by the Murmuring- Never Look At You, Been-In- The- Closet –for- 60 years- Retired Town Treasurer (MNLAYBITCFSYRTT)- who actually stood up when cars arrived with trash and recycling……. which The Dumpmaster never does……fortunately TDM was gone for the week, and not gone to meet his maker…WHEW……

And The Pond…best late season ever……starting to look like Monet’s’ Giverny…No?

So- good for you? Good for me! Got to go see a man about a horse…. upward, onward…Today’s b’day events: art in Middlebury and dinner at the Waybury Inn (filming spot for the last Newhart show) …much more B’day to come, which you no doubt will wait for reporting of with baited breath…as will we…and The Queen goes on……80 and sunny……

Lovin’ you is sweeter than ever……Estuardo

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