Splashing Color During Birthday Month inda Greens


“Whiter than the stones of Stone Mountain- autumn wind.” ………………………………………………………………………………… Basho

“Muddy water is best cleared by leaving it alone” ………………………………………………………………………………………Alan Watts

“Autumn’s first morning! The bare foot knows it on the newly washed porch” ……………Ishu

Mama said there’d be months like this, there’d be months like this my Mama said. We are in the thick of six weeks of b’day, having now completed half of the BIG-8 of bedazzlements……are we there yet? The Queen is taking it all in stride with a wink and a smile….and, of course, a few extra property makeover tasks…lately focusing on the clearing of yet another area out back to become a NEW (yes, NEW) grassless garden extravaganza of some hybrid ilk…….so been hacking and sawing and digging and…finally……bolt cutting 100 year-old fence….which has revealed the original stone wall….yes, there are stone walls in Vermont (everywhere)…..I was so moved by this unveiling, that I got a broom and swept off the 175 years of old wall detritus….which to my great fortune, nobody saw me doing….or would have had a scarlet F (Flatlander) on my breast for the rest of my days………..

So…how about a week of lists? Ya know, ya LOV that, right…………. wham, bam…………. thank you, m ’am……..

TQ BIG-ASS Birthday Adventures

  • Sunday was a God-day……78, sunny, puffy clouds, big blue windows behind the stars, yellow mon on the rise, big birds flying across the sky……. took the A-train (The magnificent Route 3o Lake Champlain Valley corridor of Beauty) up to Middlebury for Art (Lucy in alleged service dog mode for entry) (“why is she with you when your wife has the emotional support needs?) (Answer” we are practicing to help her in small increments not be so dam needy”) ……after art and walks it was twilight dinner on the VARANDAH….at the Waybury Inn, which is like eating on the set of the Newhart show (which it was)
  • Tuesday was High Tea (Really, no shit) at The Hub at Weston…. with us and 50 local blue bloods- we had to take a crash course on speaking in erudite for this, you know the audio books you go to sleep with) and…practice drinking tea with pinky appropriately extended. Jenn was the youngest person there by several decades and I may have been second……the menu was entirely based on The Queens’ (not ours) Cookbook and was carefully curated between each course, as to which reign each offering came from…and ……. we had to wear little Elizabethan hats…… PRETTY COOL…wit Pym’s cup for cocktails (really)
  • Tonight is Le Dejeuner Au Le Banke au Gauche (they’ll ban me for that spelling) ……at the newest de-riguer offering for southern Vermont…. pied la terrase…………can I still wear shorts and flip flops?  After that, we are back on track this week for the Master and Elusive Free Lunch and next weekends’ escape to Quebec
  • And in between, we fit in a dinner party, with ten guests, almost none of whom we had ever dined with or had in our house before (though The empress was here) ….and included our local Corn-fed, Cornhusker Elder Who May Be The Only College Educated Nebraskan Jew To Go To Vietnam (CCEWMBTOCENJTGTV).……was that Abe Vigoda in our house? Despite no one knowing anyone, we had a splendid dinner. Highlighted by the blueberry cobbler from outer space made and offered by the Once Shicksa- now converted bride of the CCEWMBTOCENJTGTV…………………

Observations of the Week

  • The Circle Remains Unbroken-as the folk club has taken its weekly muse to the deck of our critically ill longtime member……paying it back or forward, not sure which……but providing a weekly respite from the grief and dying process……. a humbling and highly magical experience
  • The Dumpmaster can stand at his work-as evidenced by his return to duty and being paired with the again subbing retired town official (won’t go into that nickname again- got a lot of shit for that in last week’s blog…. like responses to the “60 years in the closet” …. ugghhh…did it again)
  • John Adams was the bomb
  • Chickenshit, I’m the Best __ ever President, woman really love me, fuck the rest of the world, Pretender n’ Chief is refusing to have another debate with Kamala……No Mas, No Mas……….let’s get this over with and put him out to pasture, please…with an orange jumpsuit, of course…..thinking Attica…..
  • It takes, on average, about 18 months, to find a person willing to start painting your house…and only after 17 no shows….I  found a crumpled up note with a phone number on the road and called the number on it to see if was a heavenly sent painter…….

Vermonty Shit

  • The Greens become less so in September
  • No-one really knows what makes it a good or bad foliage year…. too cold/too hot…. too dry/too wet……. not enough Bernie sightings in home state…poor sales of Birkenstocks and /or Subaru’s…maybe it is random???!!??/
  • If you head out at 5 pm and look for a dirt road to walk on …. you will see G_D……money back guarantee….
  • Apple Cider Donuts……’nuff aid
  • THE POND essentially disappears after not a drop of rain for a month
  • Pot luck dinners almost always wind up with an abundance of one food genre…. often dessert…. but can also result in everyone bringing a SPREAD (open for interpretation of category)
  • A badly sharpened chain for the saw is almost like sitting through a formal Passover Seder before you can eat
  • How can a town with 640 people have three fine dining establishments and a noted atge tatter?
  • Do blue bloods actually still wear those little hats anymore?
  • People are VERY friendly when it is 72 degrees and sunny every day

Signs, signs everywhere a sign…do this…don’t do that…can’t you read the sign………

Happy trails to you until we meet again,


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