Green Shiftin’

Greetings Fellow Travelers:

“A school of trout passed by: the color of the water” ……………………………Buson

“I find myself still softly searching for my Delinquent Palaces— “………………Emily Dickinson

Well, never mind, we are ugly, but we have the music.” ………………………..Leonard

Well, I’m again a day late and a dollar short, which I was reminded of moments ago by Sister Jane, who was wondering what the hell happened to Blog Sunday.  Not much of excuse, but it’s been a long Labor Day weekend, with much to do and see.

Fall is clearly in the air; wet grass morning dew, lower clouds, days in the high seventies with nights in the low forties, brilliant late afternoon light casting everything in an impressionist glow………  And all around the Red Maples beginning to change………………  The game is afoot.

The Queen took off this week to the Islands, such as they are, for three days with The Retired Empress of GE.  Whilst they frolicked on bikes around the shores of Lake Champlain, Papi tended to the Workaday Willie life, keeping any embers at The Manse, and assuming the burden of care for the very needy cats.

Started the week on Monday night with Folk Club on the deck of the Empresses house, in order to include her ex, John, a longtime musical partner, now at home with hospice in the last stages of life.  Since he can no longer come, we took the jam to him; a magical night on their magnificent deck with the million-dollar view, right up to the sunset.  John was able to play along with one hand on his percussion, and seemed the most joyful since he became ill……….  A great joy was had by all.

On Tuesday, continued the Grief Tour, inviting both the Erstwhile Russian Spy and The Self-Proclaimed Trophy Wife, both of whom are mourning lost spouses, down to The Hub at Weston, for the spectacular monthly FREE community gourmet lunch……………………………………  which, alas, had been canceled without notice as we arrived to a dark dining room.  Being in the middle of nowhere, that led us to a disappointing repast of weenies and Creamees at Mildred’s Dairy Bar at the ubiquitous Vermont Country Store.  Thus, I am ready to proclaim there is no Free Lunch……… (tho, are going to try again today and the grand opening of the Chester dispensary)

Lucy and I got out this week for multiple glorious late afternoon sunlight, dirt road walks extravaganzas……  This is it!!!!!

I have taken on a new bestie, with my long-term acquaintance, and God’s Own Mandolin Player, who has recently taken to calling me multiple times each week just to “Check-in” ……………….  He has decided that I am his “musical inspiration”, which is not only semi-unbelievable, but a big-ass cross to bear, as I am hardly my own musical inspiration……………………

We have again come to money time at Okemo, where while waiting for the onslaught of leaf peepers, I remain typically the only human being in the magnificent workout facility, pool and hot tub……….  My own little Garden of Eden…………….

Have I mentioned that our adopted little daily visiting friend, Ivy, is being evicted from up the road with her struggling father, Dennis, having to move to points unknown….  We’re hiding the information from Lucy, but beginning to grieve nonetheless………

And, daughter Tess, once my struggling child, was presented with an annual employee recognition award by giant Nationwide Insurance………….  What a long strange trip it’s been……  She is also considering taking up golfing, which you can see by this photo, which would be stranger yet.

Hot town, summer in the city…………………….  Spent hours roaming around the metropolis of Rutland, with weekly shopping day on Thursday…………………….  Up and down the monotonous  miracle mile……………….  Three different grocery stores in search of the elusive Bob’s Red Mill thick cut…….  A Queen necessity…………  though almost nothing new has been built or opened in Rutland in the last decade, we now have the giant state of the art spaceship car wash……………….  The USA Today claims it to be one of the best places to work in America…. really, no shit………… And which is offering unlimited, washes for a month for $5.00………………………  even though I hate car washes, just could not pass up such a deal?

Friday night we ventured north on Route Seven up to tiny hamlet of Pittsford, for a performance of the Vermont Symphony Orchestra string quartet for a sunset serenade………………  We had nabbed eight free tickets, but in the end all dropped out (including both of the free lunch despondents- possibly no longer trusting any of my free offerings) ……….  We were joined by the elusive Masseuse in the Trailer, in a rare public outing for her…………………………  the magnificent show took place at the 200-year-old Pittsford Farm homestead……………….  Surrounded by mountains on a gorgeous autumn night as the sun set in the distance to the sounds of Bach (and Lennon) ………

People clearly have trouble making commitments in The Greens……………….  Possibly the mountain way?………………………….  But on the other side there are events like this with the majesty of nature, highly evolved kids, honored Elders and an array of mutts…………  beauty is beauty……

After Fridays’ glory, Saturday was a bust……………………….  After we have hung out with the Dumpmaster, the Assistant DM and the Growling Dwarf from Down the Hill, having their usual Saturday morning summit Dump, which requires a minimum of 45 minutes’ investment…….  And then stopped at the Empresses house to do a quick drop-off, but became a Hospice visit…………………….  All of which resulted in late day rain and another……………Yes, another missed free lunch at a Ludlow Fest……………………………….

Sunday was our annual trek to the Calvin Coolidge Homestead, for the annual Folk and Blues festival, an extraordinary event in a brilliant setting, of the best of Vermont Culture………  Highlighted this year by a local legend Rick Reddington and his Tough Love band………………….  The perfect day in a perfect place………………………  With a family of four toddlers lying by us, and finding that Lucy was the perfect size for them to wrestle with………….  Music from as far away as Madagascar, with what might be the most mellow concert crowd in history…………….  What a day…

We completed the week with an outside dinner, just down the road in Cuttingsville, at the Rooster, facing the wonderful old cemetery as the sun sets and the air chills…….  And on into Belmont for one of our towns’ most unusual in yearly events………  whence our little library becomes a 1940s Harlem speakeasy Cabaret for one night……….  With local celebrities Joe and Alexis, now well into their seventies, continuing to provide brilliant takes on the Gershwin, Berlin, and Cole Porter song books on standup bass and classic torch- siren vocals………………  white tablecloths, candlelit and flower strewn tables transport back to a time…….  These folks are music royalty, even learning that Alexis’ mother sang with the Gene Krupa Band in the 40s and 50s…holy buckets……

And that, my friends, is certainly enough…………………  So happy trails to you until we meet again……

Faithfully yours, Stu

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