Stu’s Reviews- #834- TV Series – “Eric”- Netflix -1 Season

Genre: TV Series             

Grade: B

Notable People: Benedict Cumberbatch, Gaby Hoffman, McKinley Belcher, Ivan Morris Howe Created by: Abi Morgan

Title:  Eric

Review- in 1980s New York City, Vincent, a puppeteer in the Jim Henson mode, in an unhappy marriage and whose nine-year-old son, Edgar, goes missing. Vincent turns to a variety of substances and his barely held in check and increasingly volatile behavior alienates him from his friends, family, and coworkers. In his inebriated and unbalanced state Vincent becomes convinced that he can reunite with Edgar with the help of his seven-foot-tall puppet, Eric. Like my review of “Under the Bridge”, this is another one that took a long time to watch, as it was pretty painful and not many likeable characters. That said, Cumberbatch is a virtuoso and always worth watching and young Howe is splendid. Beyond that, it got somewhat tedious, like “when will be it over” tedious. Made it to the finish line but lots of predictability. Quite fascinating portrayal of the city’s underground, beneath the subway, subterranean living environment.

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