Special Edition- TV Review- Trailer Park Boys

Genre: TV Series

Grade: A-
Notable People: Who knows- a bunch of Canadian B actors
Title: Trailer Park Boys

Review – So, I am truly embarrassed to admit I love this CBC show available on Netflix- apparently a cult phenomenon in the far recesses of Canada. This is low brow humor and it’s most low brow, slapstick schlock at its most endearing. There have been 12 seasons, it is so popular, and I imagine a required activity for stoners…but…it is hard not to laugh all the way through this one. A “mockumentary” that has camera crew following the astounding Julian and Ricky from their annual release form Nova Scotia prison and their return to their beloved trailer park life. The characters are beyond astounding and the acting…well these guys are either a bunch or world class morons or damn good actors….not sure which. “Bubbles” deserves an Emmy of some sort, or whatever you get for bad Canadian television. Watch three episodes and you will be hooked. Best watched in bed at night.

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