Stu’s Reviews- #222- Novel- Creole Bell- James Lee Burke

Genre: Novel

Grade: B+

Notable People: James Lee Burke

Title: Creole Bell

Review: Being a serial reader, I have been on a renewed Burke kick. This one is a yin and yang. I do think Burke is one of the pre-eminent writers of our time in the “mystery” genre, but has become somewhat repetitive in later years. This is the 19th in the Dave Robicheaux series (I already reviewed the 20th not too long ago) and is back in his beloved Iberia Parrish, outside of New Orleans. His powers of description remain unparalleled and his stories are humdingers…but the sheer amount of symbolic meandering and philosophical/moral rants has become a negative diversion. The books have also taken on a bit too much of sheer unbelievability. So, A+ for the level of writing, and a B for the rest. If you are interested in exploring Burke, go back to his earlier Robicheaux novels (Neon Rain, Black Cherry Blues). when he was more of a flat out great storyteller and avoid the constant ramblings on the Vietnam experience and the nature of evil.

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