It might be summer in the mountains?

Happy July Y’all:

Summer has improbably come to the Greens- a burst of 90 degree weather and now two days of solid rain. Last weeks’ blog seemed to strike a chord in some -you who remain silent, probably found it a bit on the esoteric side (who is this Kerouac guy anyway?)…so I am splitting the difference this week-no Kerouac Jazz Zen, but a Zen like approach (brevity) nonetheless…

“Be Silly, Be Honest, Be Kind” …..Ralph Waldo Emerson

Summer comes- we head out to Lake Nineveh for first Kayak of the season…see Lucy swim…Jenn likes to toss her in / make her chase us for an hour at a time…which ultimately led to my hauling her back in my kayak and again soaking and ruining my small camera, which is currently sitting in a bowl of rise in  an attempt at salvation.

Theater has returned in the form of the Weston Playhouse; their first summer production -an ambitious re-make of the classic Man of LaMancha. The musicians are still hiding in the basement of the playhouse, and the show is an amazing effort at big production on pretty small stage. The lead actress breathed fire in her skimpy getup which atypically kept me awake. We left our house 25 minutes before curtain, screeched to a halt in front, ran in to our splendid seats and had five minutes to spare…just like going to Broadway, no?

Have I mentioned the joy of electronics and home improvement in Vermont? As many of you know, our Sprint phone booster went out this week so we have no phone service whatsoever, except for our saving grace connection through google voice. Because we live in such an accessible locale- it will be around 2 weeks before sprint deems to get us a new box. so we are even more cut off from the outside world than usual. Plus, it typically takes UPS man at least three days to find our house…. and home improvement? We have four projects we are trying to accomplish (barn roof, kitchen wood floor, new breaker box before we burn the barn/garage down…and THE POND!!!)…well we are still waiting for five contractors to show up on Vermont time to take look…and we usually have no phone to call them!

Speaking of THE POND….Yikes!!!!

Great new dinner place…in little Ludlow…classic Vermont…Hometown Hostel, serving diner on weekends……sit with a bunch of strangers and eat family style and as they say, if you eat or drink too much, you can sleep upstairs…what’s not to love?

Had several very interesting visitors this weekend. First a visit from Christine and Charlie from Vegas. Christine is our benefactress, Karen’s, daughter, who came home for high school reunion. After four years of cyber-love, we finally met. Jenn says she is sister from a different mother….equally profound attachment to DIY home improvements, bedding and the like. Really nice visit, great connection and loads of amazing history of the house and the lives here before us….hard to believe but there were lives here before us, but there you go….

Last night we hosted two young men from China- studying for their PhD’s in the states- Atlanta and West Virginia (really!). They said we were best place they had  ever stayed (accommodations are weak in Shanghai) . I asked them to make a poster of such and hang it on wall. Like me, they loved Karen’s bric-a- brac, which led Jenn to hide from all of us. Yang and Yi…I made it easy and called them Ding and Dong…oh well….

Rain, rain…will lead us out to barn and attempts to not kill each other while we try to crack the mystery of assembling the exercise unit that came from cousin Sherry and which has sat it in barn for a month like an aging steel monolith…will let you know how that one goes.

Well, hell, that’s enough…



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