Stu’s Reviews- #241- Novel- “A German Requiem”- Philip Kerr

Genre:  Novel

Grade  A

Notable People:   Philip Kerr

Title:  A German Requiem

Review: As far as I’m concerned the summer of 2016 reading prize goes to Philip Kerr for these wonderful stories of the German detective Bernie Gunther. The series started in late 1930’s pre-war, Nazi gripped Berlin and follows our man through into the late 50s-early 60s. This selection is the third an final  in his original Berlin Noir trilogy, which started pre-war with the first book, mid-war for the second and this one, which takes place in 1948 post war-torn Berlin and then in Vienna, where the four victorious super powers reign supreme, while engaging in the kind of spy meets spy intrigue destined to become the Cold War. The writing is really good- the story even better. This is a series worth sinking your teeth into- great suspense/mystery writing in the context of very accurate historical times and people- all of which seem to be thoroughly well investigated and presented.

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