Stu’s Reviews- #252- Film- Hacksaw Ridge

Genre:  Film

Grade  A-

Notable People:   Andrew Garfield, Theresa Warner, Vince Vaughn, directed by: Mel Gibson

Title:  Hacksaw Ridge

Review: This is an unusual film; in many ways a very traditional WWII story with all the usual characteristics and not for the squeamish. The battle scenes in Okinawa in 1945 are draining and full of bloody violence. But…this is an amazing true story about the only soldier in the war who fought overseas without a weapon. a conscientious objector, Desmond Doss insisted on serving as a field medic , but refused to carry a gun. Ridiculed and almost court- martialed by the army, he turns out to be one of the greatest heroes in the annals of war with his unbelievable courage in the battle of Hacksaw Ridge. Garfield is wonderful it the title role, and Vince Vaughn continues to expand his repertoire. Not for the feint hearted, but very moving film.  

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