Stu’s Reviews- #288- Film- “Dunkirk”

Genre:  Film

Grade:  B/B+

Notable People:  Kenneth Branaugh, Tom Hardy, Mark Rylance, Harry Styles and a cast of thousands, Directed by Christopher Nolan

Title:  Dunkirk


Review:  hot summer night back in Ohio-went for the convenience of a local movie. Familiar story, number one movie in the country, VERY big budget blockbuster…more or less what you would expect. Nolan does big scenes really well and there are a lot of them. Interesting twist in that you never see the enemy close up- which is the point, I guess. Four hundred thousand British and French troops trapped along the French coast at Dunkirk…and sitting ducks from the land and the air. You do get the feeling of being sitting ducks. The acting is good, the cinematography very good…which maybe makes it more than a B. The theater was cool, the popcorn a good, and the middle schoolers necking in row in front of me were tolerable. It’s summer a blockbuster…maybe better to see in 3D.

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