Stu’s Reviews- #302- Book- “Jewish Noir”

Genre: Novel

Grade: A+

Notable People: Various Authors; Edited and Compiled by: Kenneth Wishnia

Title: Jewish Noir

Review: the art of Noir- as in “Film Noir” connotes dark and disturbing stories with typically unresolved and not happy endings- which probably fits as well for the Jewish Experience as it does for any other métier. Here in one masterful volume are forty or so short stories by a dizzying collection of talented writers that are all centered on Jewish experience “Noir” stories. They range from the early part of the 20th century (a never before Yiddish to English translation from 1912 of a story by Yente Serdatsky), to mid century Israel to very recent politically oriented stories of Jewish life and struggle in America (see the two ending stories by the brilliant short story writer, Harlan Ellison). They take place in New York, LA, Montreal, the Midwest, Jerusalem, London and points around the globe…and are as varied and complex as the Jewish people themselves. This book floored me…absolutely loved it. A don’t miss opportunity to read the best of this genre of writing.

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