Stu’s Reviews- #310- Film- “Lady Bird”

Genre: Film

Grade: A-

Notable People: Saoirse Ronan, Laurie Metcalf, Tracy Letts, Directed by: Greta Gerwig

Title: Lady Bird

Review: I had a lot of high expectations for this movie form what I had read and listened to (too much, really)…..and was JUST slightly disappointed in the entirety of it. In some ways a classic coming of age story-in some ways a metaphor about trying to be someone/somewhere else ….the film was of excellent quality in all respects, but dragged a bit for me, and in the end, was just a tad formulaic. That said, Ronan is brilliant as the teen becoming woman from nowhere (in fact…from Sacramento, which is a big part of the story… in “the Midwest of California…). Metcalf is excellently annoying as the mother who won’t let go ; a bit of a departure from being Rosanne’s long suffering sister (though hard not to recognize that voice). The rest of the cast is solid, the camera work is intriguing and the dialog is snappy…….. the angst feels real. A quality film that fell just short of moving me.

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