Stu’s Reviews- #315- Book- “Strangers in Budapest” – Jessica Keener

Genre: Book

Grade: B

Notable People: Jessica Keener

Title: Strangers in Budapest

Review: This was a shot in the dark choice for me…found it on the rack with the local “librarian’s choice recommendations” and liked the name of the book. It is an interesting first novel- set in Budapest in recent times. The story is chronicled from the eyes of two characters: Edward a sickly 76 year old man in Hungary to avenge what he believes was the murder of his daughter before he dies himself. And, Annie- a thirty something wife of an intent entrepreneur who has randomly gone to Hungary with her young child – to support her husband’s thirst to make his own success in the ever expanding world of internet communications. The story is compelling and the flashbacks are pretty informative, but it does not hold together all that well, and seems overly dramatic and poorly written in spots. Still, I got pretty engaged in it and finished it in a number of days. The setting of the story, which was well executed, contributed a lot to that.

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