SStu’s Reviews #322- Book- “The Rise and fall of Adolph Hitler” – William Shirer

Genre: Book

Grade: B+

Notable People: William Shirer

Title: The Rise and Fall of Adolph Hitler

Review: OK- this is a really odd choice for a read…but we were getting ready to leave Ohio for Vermont and I did not want to take any new books out of the library-so hit my archived book shelves at home….and found this book I have owned my entire life , but never read. Not even sure how I came to have it, but it said “Mousie” on the cover and was from the Bronx public library, so I’m guessing I somehow got if from a local neighborhood legend where I grew up who has stolen it from the library. But enough context, no? Shirer wrote this book in 1961 when the end of the war was still pretty fresh and people did not yet know much about the Third Reich. It is very dry and academic, only moderately well written but a fascinating history of the lunatic’s strange life, and of the time (1961 ) when it was written. Pretty short an easy to read (very big type)….another in a long line of informative books about a time in history that seems unimaginable to have been so recent. Not foe everyone, but a good choice if you are a history buff of the era.

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