Spring Maybe Comes to the Greens?

Happy Mother’s Day to all: (Mothers in the many senses of the word)

“All truths wait in all things” ……………………………………………………………………………………Walt Whitman

“To understand nothing-takes time” ……………………………………………………………………….Zen Saying

“Sorry I’m not home
to take your call. At the tone
please state your bad news”…………………………………………………………………………………….Haikus for Jews

There have been many miracles this week in the mountains. The sun came out for more than one day at a time. After several false starts, the tractor is running AND mowing….and the broken dryer is now fixed by the urban-bred home repair boy…without the appliance repair guy coming. And……Thursday it turned green here overnight…one of nature’s unusual phenomena.

Jenn is off to Cleveland for four days for Baby Quinn’s first birthday- leaving me to deal with the various forms of animal excrement…as well as slamming medicine down the throat of poor little fading Niko the cat…..who is beyond traumatized by the process. We made another sudden trip to the vet this week- thinking again it may now really be the time to put her down, but once again she got a reprieve and has bounced back- for the 700th time. Now, under the unconventional and bizarre care of Dr. Stu –she seems to be thriving..…what does this mean? Let’s just say that maybe the junk food diet has some benefits….

Wednesday was our good weather day this week- so we headed off to find a drive and dirt road (we are staying off trails, per se, due to increased tick activity in May)..…wound up down in Peru (really!) for a lazy walk up a mountain dirt road and then down to J. Hapgood’ s general store, where we picked up lunch and ate on the church bench in the hazy sunshine….watching a bevy of guys with high-end implements clean up everyone’s yard in town….what do we have to do to qualify for having this ?

We got home for a quick rest and then up the mountain to John and Lydia’s house for another memorable swinging soiree..…John and Lydia tend to show up out of the blue for few days and invite us for dinner PLUS….which always has significant consequences for the next two days. We had a heated five hour discussion over whether or not they were bonafide “Southies” (look it up)….apparently vehemently not, with quite sophisticated explanations on what exactly makes a “Southie”..…I still think that they actually are, but then that is just me…

Jenn made a trip down the mountain this week to visit with The Jewish Pig Farmer and his bride, who are now doing weight-watchers (Kosher, I presume) and are barely visible due to immense weight loss…..we will go out to dinner with them next weekend, which may present some menu challenges..

I made another twisted road, lost- four -times, exotic trip to see the Healer up in the Woods this week….in order to…well, get healed (modicum of success)….I was on her healing table for two hours and could barely walk when I left…but felt very woodsy-Zen like.

Friday was a moderately nice day…and the Pond-schmutz has begun to announce its presence due to the thousands of tadpoles giving birth…so I did a hocus-pocus pond treatment and then convinced Jenn to get in the water (before she left for the airport) and re-initiate our wacked out fountain and water moving system…..it was in the low 60s and the water temp (which I assured her was lukewarm on the surface) was probably in the 30s….but since I had hid her car keys, and she could not leave for the airport to go to Cleveland…..she agreed to do it…with superior results.

Well- cutting it short today…as I have excrement to contend with…and heading over to watch the Cavs and Celtics Game One with The Jewish Fish Monger (a lifelong die-hard Celtics Fanatic)…..which I hope to survive intact…so got to get going…..plus he has promised to make matzo ball soup to modify the game conflict and tension…

So, until whenever….

Yours, Papi

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