Stu’s Reviews #327- “Book” – “Greeks Bearing Gifts”- Philip Kerr

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Philip Kerr

Title: Greeks Bearing Gifts

Review: This is the most recent in Kerr’s very long running Bernie Gunther series. The books started taking place in Pre-War Berlin in 1939 and have now followed reluctant Nazi Bernie, through much sturm and drang, to 1957, where he finds himself acting as a pseudo insurance adjuster first in Munich and then in Athens. Kerr’s’ books are historically vivid and rich with characters and story lines and this one is no exception. I was captivated by the mostly true story until I thought it fizzled out a bit at the end…seeming less plausible after being so dead on for 500 pages. But, I’ll line up for the next one anyway.

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