Summer Heats up in the Greens


“Let yourself become the space that welcomes any experience without judgment”……………………………………………..Tsoknyi Rinpoche

“Twenty thousand roads I went down, down, down…….and they all led me straight back home to you”………………Gram Parsons

“I closed the box and put it in the closet. There is no real way to deal with all that we lose”…………………………………..Joan Didion

“Jewish triathlon–
gin rummy, then contract bridge,
followed by a nap.”………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Haikus for Jews

I’ve been thinking about “sound bites” this week….which seem to be ubiquitous in our culture……for instance “ Make America great again”, “We will build a wall to keep them out”, “I always look out for the little guy”, “No new taxes”, “I’m also honored to have the greatest temperament that anybody has.” ….well, you get the picture….so here are my own annotated sound bites for our week in the mountains…..

“I’ll bring the gefilte fish”………The Jewish Fish Monger in preparation for our dinner party last weekend, that featured all of our mountain chums, including the Jewish Pig Farmers, the German intellectuals (German was actually spoken at the event), the trippy Organic Farmers, The Boston Shanty Irish Southies, The Russian spy….and a few new ringers thrown in…the food was great, the whiskey was flowing and the conversation was titillating and bizarre…a good time was had by all…..and we were exhausted by the time they all left near midnight

“This belt will work fine”………Famous last words of the parts guy at the mower repair shop when we got a new belt for the tractor last fall, which took three peoples’ strength to stretch and get on… and which had the mower blades running even when not engaged…and which snapped early into our new season…which led to us doing it all over again…well, we’re not really farm people, ya know…

“Boredom is the lack of quality relationships”……after staying at home with no work travel for 6-7 weeks and Jenn and I hovering over each other 24/7)…..was thinking some Marriott stays were a dire necessity…and then the phone started ringing and the e-mails started coming….and now I am suddenly trying to decide who to answer…..and whether air travel is all that desirable…famine and feast

“I really need a snack”….our newest yard boy, Ian, after about ten minutes of weed whacking, most of which was spent kicking and screaming at the whacker……apparently Jenn had set the dangerous precedent of feeding him at regular intervals when I am not here. I asked him if he could use some bread and water……a bit of a difference from the hearty Midwest farm-yard boy types we are accustomed to

“We have the Presidential suite ready for you”……The Marriott front desk at my arrival at the Fairfield Inn in Waterbury (Vt.) this week, for my monthly meeting of the Governor’s Council for Children….apparently the ongoing perks of being a “Titanium” rewards member (Platinum actually, but Jenn can’t remember that and thinks I am Titanium) ……it was pretty nice with a fireplace and such….though I kept wondering which presidents might have stayed there, but was reassured to consider that the Donald would never stay at a Fairfield inn……It was a beautiful drive- day up there on glorious Route 100… a little nap…a little workout…a little jog…a little Thai food…a little hot tub….the complete Stu gets away package

“Take a load off, Fannie”………..Left Waterbury after my meeting Thursday morning and hooked up with Jenn in the mountains of New Hampshire for a drive down to the Boston area(Shirley, MA) to the Bull Run- a 200 year old stagecoach inn that has unbelievable music seven nights a week. We caught up with The Weight Band—who are a band that does The Band, and has five guys who at one time or another actually played with The Band…….. including the great jim Weider on guitar, who replaced Robbie Robertson in 1983 when The Band resumed touring after the finale of the Last Waltz in in 1976. . The food was shockingly good at this erstwhile traditional supper club, we had great table mates (very, very Southie , indeed) and you could close your eyes and hear Levon and Rick Danko singing the great Band catalog. We stayed at a nearby Springhill Suites (two Marriotts in a row……got my fix) and shared the hotel with a huge wedding party, which meant we were up most of the night listening to drunken conversations and squeaking bed springs…but who is complaining….

“Here comes the sun”…..Last night we went over to the “Mount Hollywood” barn studios to hear a barn concert featuring Walter Parks- who is generally regarded as the King of the swamp guitar, and spent many years as a sideman for Richie Havens. We and the Mt. Holly stoners were treated to the very eccentric guitar and vocal ramblings of this very tall, very aesthetic, very temperamental NYC- via Florida swamp- player, who truly channeled Haven’s voice in the lower register and then sang other worldly in the higher registers. Maybe 50 people there to hear the trio which featured local blues guitar legend , Rick Reddington, on bass. When Walter did “Freedom”, Haven’s Woodstock anthem, it seemed like having the late great Richie in the room. This is music in the mountains…………………

“All the news that fits”….and that is where we are….for now…..

Happy trails to you….

The Chuckster

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