Summer heat comes to the Greens

Happy Summer Ya’ll:

“You must learn to wait properly”………………………………………………………………Shoji Yamada

“He’s more Kasich than Kasich”…………………………………………………………………. Stu responding to Jenn about Vermont’s Governor Phil Scott, who is hard to pin down on political leanings and quite unpredictable

“Everyone should have themselves regularly overwhelmed by nature”……..George Harrison

“Left the door open.
for the Prophet Elijah.
Now our cat is gone.”………………………………………………………………………………….Haikus for Jews

“I’ve really been spending time in my head”………………………………………………..Big Papi in mulling about this week’s Blog style

Off the teletype……………………………………………….Dateline: Mt. Holly………………………………….Sunday July 1st ……………………………….Rat-ta- ta …..Ra- ta- ta ……………………………….Vrrrooommmmmm………..

HOT………….95 yesterday in the Mount…………………………… end in sight…………no AC around……..what you gonna do?……..3 hours in The Pond Saturday…………four buckets of Algae…..VEEY CLEAN….Very cool……

Shade…………………..first walk of the summer up the Gates Trail……Spring Cistern found….how to get water down the mountain into The Pond….possible Hatfield and McCoy showdown with Connecticut mansion builder on adjoining land, whose spring is it?….black flies go nuts…ooh-aahh……..Lucy finds BIG dogs (horses) and thinks “life-mates”…………………….

“Greasin’ the Bowbee”…………making nice with the Mount road crew supervisor (Mr. Bowbee) to get them to build a temporary bridge replacement over the stream from Rt. 103 to our house…rather than make our road a thru road for egress…and us wind up with another house next to a “parkway” for the Belmont crowd shortcut to Rutland….Jenn working on skimpy outfits and sweet talkin’ skills with “The Bowbee”

De-shitting the place…….How many A-1 Septic services can there be in the small mountain hamlets…more than you would think….

Music in the Greens…..summer lawn music starts….Castleton College mountain setting picnic night….”The Hot Club of Saratoga” (really, Saratoga!!)….like 1930s Paris Hot Club with Django Reinhart and Stefan Grapelli…..very ambitious….all bands love Lucy……

Cell phone plans are a sham – how can you pay hundreds of dollars and run out of minutes? …..five conference calls in one day must do it…along with children buying houses and having babies……………………….and what about the daily dropped calls?

POT….legal as of today in Vermont…but you cannot buy it or sell it….get out the garden hoe, mama….

GOLIATH………..Billy Bob Thornton…. Amazon……check it out……….quite the ride

Jenn- many friends now in the Mount…..pulling organic weds, remodeling bathrooms, building Fourth of July floats…..many home visits for wine tasting…taking over the community building…thinking about a run for the House District……..Jenta-Yenta………..the queen of Mulch…………………………..

Stu- on the anti-social side….no friends to speak of except those who cannot ever make any plans…….BUT….many daily acquaintances….. my “Circle of Care”…..……one day last week: mingling with the Gym matrons at Okemo…….my free lunch mama bear at Java-Baba……the inside contact at the General store leaking all the secret news of the Mount…… the postmistress who gives me daily prizes…. and the librarian who gets books for me from all over New England and leaves them out for me to let myself in to the library for 24 hour a day pickup……..who needs friends-with needs anyway?….though why is clearly a complex psychological question??????

Tessa-Bear…..six months down and three to go…might make baby-date yet…….

AIRBNB- had a last minute hang-gliding guest this week…..was here for 12 hours and I saw him for five minutes of gliding regalia…..he left and now we have two baby chicks, that The Mulch Queen is fostering, living in the guest room..…which is keeping Lucy up and vigilant most of the night…….

More Music…More Heat….Friday night – at ski hill – free concert series……young bands playing 80’s hits……bad expensive Bar-B-Que……..visiting Jerseyites with wine spritzers…..two zillion dogs searching for ground scraps…..sunset on the hillside………………….

Weston Playhouse….first show of season……….Our Town….New Hampshire’s Thornton Wilder’s 1937 gem which was the first show presented at the new Weston theater that year……unannounced lead role of The Stage Manager done by Christopher Lloyd (Jenn: “don’t we know this guy from somewhere?”)

Sunday-Sunday…….Tasks for the day: spread Mulch before it is 90 degrees…. get all our weekly laundry done because electric rates are lowest on the day of the Lord (why is that?)…. jump in the Pond…find air conditioning….finish the endless Blog….

Blah, blah, blah, blah…..I need the remedy……Feliz Naveda………………all that glitters isn’t gold……’s all right mama…….Buenos Diaz……


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