Summer Peaking in the Greens

Greetings Fellow Travelers:

“Take thou also unto thee wheat and barley and beans, and lentils and millet and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof etc.”…………………………………………………………………………………………………From label of Ezekiel 4:9 yeast free bread (or from The Bible-your choice)

“ Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings- always darker, emptier, and simpler”…………………………………………..Friedrich Nietzsche

“How can I begin anything new with all of yesterday in me?”……………………………………………………………………………..Leonard Cohen

“Lovely nose ring –
excuse me while I put my
head in the oven.”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Haikus for Jews

A week of “Quoting” in the mountains…………………………………………………………………….

“We gotta get outta dis place”…… After a few days of working the land and THE POND…..we decided it was time for a Sunday drive ….and set out to deliver and hang the posters for the MT. Holly Daze celebration today….so we chased summer around the Quaint mountain towns of region; circling through East Wallingford, Weston, Londonderry, Landgrove and Peru (Vermont, that is) ……….stopping for short walks along the way and emulating Lucy as she stopped to literally smell the roses…we call this the “Quaint village tour”….”Quaint” may be an understatement…………

“Look at the size of that F____r”………….we have inherited a bull-goose size “House Toad”, who has emigrated from The Pond, apparently seeking asylum from Pond oppression, outside our front door……we welcome immigrants here and believe they enhance our community…..and Lucy has failed to notice he/she as of yet……………………………

“What happened to all the women”…..on Monday Folk Club was a boys night only……apparently a memo circulated amongst the folkie woman to stay away en masse (a “Me-Too” move?)….with only the men there it becomes decidedly testosterone-ish…..and the volume goes up several decibels….plus we have a new folkie member-an acquaintance of mine from the Gym on the mountain, who is an interesting guitar virtuoso, brain- damaged surgeon, who claims to have played with Richard Thompson????….really???….

“How depressing was that?”……we went to our second play of the season at the Weston Playhouse, “Fun House” …and our first in the sparkling new “Weston Playhouse at Walker Mountain”- a year round arts facility built last year after a ten year campaign to extort money from theater goers…..the play was very well done, but they should have handed out Zoloft at the door….the venue is quite the upgrade over the former Weston ”second theater” , which was housed at the local Rod and Gun Club (really)…………………………….

“I think I made a FOPA”…………..Jenn describing a mistake in what she believed to be the French phrase spelling…..(I think she did, no????)………

“I’ll have whatever she’s having”………….The gym at Okemo ski area has been getting a lot busier since the summer people arrived en masse, I think there were as many as 6-7 people at a time there this week (I often have the building to myself)….I was working out on the bench press one day this week, when I started hearing this moaning and groaning, which began to increase in volume, frequency and intensity……eventually culminating in a crescendo of orgasmic screams…..needless to say I perked up and scanned around to find the source- a young woman in purple spandex from whence this emanated……she continued to express herself this way as she moved on to stretching (quite limber) and weight lifting (really strong)……all of which was pretty distracting my working out……I finally gave up and went outside to jog five miles in 90 degree heat and take an hour long cold shower……..

“We gotta get outta dis place #2”-……We decided we needed to have an overnight away- so Thursday, which was a God-day in the mountains (72, sunny, no humidity)…we loaded the car with food and gear for all eventualities and set out to parts unknown….and spent 13 hours driving around southern Vermont and then on to the Hudson River byway… search of a gourmet meal and quaint lodging………by 6 pm, we had decided we did not like any of the lodging offerings since the tourista were out in full force, and circled back hone arriving around ten pm…..we also stopped for a meal of burnt meat loaf and something resembling roast pork at a little “trading post” underneath the Champlain Bridge (connecting NY and Vermont)…..since we were gone 13 hours, used a full tank of gas, hit two states and took four walks…this apparently adds up to an overnight in the mountains……

“Better, worse or the same” … I have to call in dally to the mad scientist- doctor (Frasier’s brother Niles) up at Dartmouth, who I am seeing for some unknown condition that may be Rheumatic/Lyme- related/Yeast-induced). When I call and try to tell him how I am doing , what symptoms I have, what is the progress….he reminds me of “the rules”…..”Better, same or worse than the day before”….nothing more, nothing less…the cure may be worse than the condition….

“Ve like to zee the Red Zox”…..we had our third Airbnb guests of the season this weekend – a lovely young couple from Holland (Utrecht), who are avid baseball fans…..Jakob and Annemieke ( I called her Anne Marie for short)…..they already had plans to see the Yankees in New York and wanted to see the Sox today in Boston…so we sent them down to wait until the second inning and scalp tickets when the scalpers get desperate (one hopes)…they left us a cookie and a love note….gotta love the Dutch……

And, finally………………………………..

“I need another bush and I’m not sure we really need a pickup”…….The Garden and Bedding Queen as she prepares for the annual Mt. Holly Garden Tour showing next week (after spending 430 hours in garden preparation) and after seeing a Subaru Impressa and Kia Seoul listed on line…. we do keep busy in our heads in the mountains……

And, that, my friends, is about it….gotta go get ready to man the fiery grill at MH Daze…an decide whether I am better, same or worse for tomorrow’s call….See ya…….


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