Stu’s Reviews #346- “Film” – “Crazy Rich Asians”

Genre: Film

Grade: C-

Notable People: Constance Wu, Henry Golding, Directed by : John Chu

Title: Crazy Rich Asians

Review: Oh boy, where to start. I’d like to be fair about this movie, but find it hard. I’m aware that many people go to the cinema for pure entertainment….a distraction, if you will, from the world (especially the Donald laden world)….and recognize that I am a film snob of sorts….but this movie was really crap in my estimation. The critics gave it good reviews and it was the highest grossing film in the country for several weeks- so I had some expectations…for naught. Clearly, this film does for Asian folk, what “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” did for Greeks and “Slumdog Millionaire” did for East Indians….and maybe that is the draw…..cultural representation. For all these reasons, I gave the film a very generous grade of C-……my inclination was for a F! Predictable, formulaic, feel good only film without anything to give it substance. Goes for the easy sentimentality at every turn. Lots of eye candy, but not much mind candy. I stayed warm and dry in the theater on a rainy, chilly mountain afternoon, but that’s about it. This is the kind of film I would watch on a long overseas flight to aid in falling asleep. I’d rather stay home and serially watch ten episodes of Braking Bad.

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