Baby Comes and Winter Hits in The Mountains

Greetings Fellow Travelers:

“Take one step away from yourself…and Behold…the Path!!……………………………………………………………………………………………………..Abu Sa’id

“Life, for eternal us… is….. Now”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………EE Cummings

“The point is to perform every activity, from playing ball to taking out the garbage, with precise attention, moment by moment”………………….Zen Master Phil Jackson

“Act the way you’d like to be…and soon you’ll be the way you act”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Leonard Cohen

So, did you miss me last week? What did you do on Sunday with no blog? Such a loss, no?

Stretch run now… back to the mountains on Tuesday for last two weeks…now at 12 days and counting…and it hasn’t cracked 35 degrees since we returned….. WINTER is in the hills….snow on the mountain tops all week…and then it SNOWED all day Saturday….Uughh….

But…this was a baby week in the flatlands. Spent six days back in the heartland with Tess, Jake and Baby Sloane…..what an experience…..Got there just in time for the new nuclear family to come hone from the hospital….spent six days cooking, cleaning, organizing, shopping and taking care of the three crazy dogs….and…holding Bebe….what a little darlin’…Bonus was a weekend visit from Ry and Lauren with our other little darlin’, Baby Quinn(now 17 months)…two precious granddaughters for one Papi….how can this be? ….You can see the complete extravaganza show in the abundance of enclosed pix. Every picture tells a story…

And Queen Jennifah spent six days commandeering the kitchen and preparing deluxe meals to be frozen for the next millennium…what a good Nana is emerging…….…

Which brought us to face the dread reality of the whole living-in –two- places thing….when you live in the mountain remoteness, a trip back to the heartland and the boom that is Central Ohio is quite the shock to the central nervous system….Oy, the traffic, the noise, the sheer number of people, the incessant development….some form of shell shock…and so a quick trip Monday out to the ancestral home to check on the order of things for our imminent return…which is predictably chaos…had us running back to the safety of the kids’ new Westerville house to hold Bebe and try to get our heads around the imminent changes…

And…how about them Sox??????? How are the Yankees feeling about this? Apparently The Donald is now a Dodgers fan and tweeting to the manger to tell him what an asshole he is…..

Speaking of The Donald…I don’t know about you…but I am considering heading down to the Wall and keep the evil hordes of Central American refugees from coming in and taking jobs away from Mexicans…

But…I seriously digress……so, back in the mountains for our last fling….flushing away a storm and trying to find a patch of sunshine to finish getting the property shut down for the winter……hard to be motivated to deal with things when wind and snow are blowing and the trees are losing all their luster….but push on we must……..did get in The Halloween festivities…where the Queen of Mt. Holly got dressed up and spent two frigid hours putting kids on hayrides (came home complaining of a bad back)…and we spent a very cold half hour at the dump on Saturday, receiving last minute instructions from the Walrus Dumpmaster….also made out first trip back to newly reopened (in its original location -eight minutes down the Mount) to the beloved local institution, Harry’s Café, where everybody knows your name….

Well truth be told…I am distracted ..and don’t really have much to say (now he says that, you are thinking)…..but some good visuals may be the saving grace …so take it or leave it…back traveling this week to the warmth of Minneapolis and then return in time for day and days of packing up…tonight we are hosting The Last Supper, an early thanksgiving dinner at the manse for our potluck supper group…so gotta go, cook, clean, chop wood, do some packing (or at least cheer the Queen on while she dos this stuff)….and get in my Sunday afternoon nap with Lucy ….

Be well, do good work and stay in touch……and…Go Sox!


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