Last Dance 2018

Oh boy…’s TIME!

“A good traveler has no fixed plans….and is not intent upon arriving” ………………………………………………………………………………………..Lao-Tzu

“Children, one earthly THING, truly experienced, even once, in ENOUGH for a lifetime”…………………………………………………………….Rainer Marie Rilke

“ Splish, Splash…I’m takin’ a bath”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Bobby Darin

Are you missing me, yet? Maybe you should be…as this is likely the last communique for a while….mountain time is coming to an end this week….and the heartland has not traditionally been Blog- inspirational…so what will your Sunday be like now?

Now that you made yourself love me, do you think I can change it in a day?

And…I’m late, I’m late, I’m late…countdown is in earnest- leaving on Wednesday…and SOOO much to do….bad start today-wiped out my entire file on Bunty Station Band memories on the computer…and then had to go DEEP in the bowels of my hard drive to re-crate it somewhat…..who knew?

Vee-Yis-Ga-Dahl….Vee- Yis-Ga Dash…….

And….how about them Sox….too good to be true (TGTBT)…..MAJIC………

Did you set clocks back this morning…..nice at the moment but will suck around 5 pm….who thinks this is a good idea…DARKER…….DARKER…..Uughh……

And Ba-bee Sloane is growing like a week- over nine pounds already (did that come out of me, says Tessala?)…Papi and Nana coming home soon to do some major holding….

Had our first of a number of Last Suppers last Sunday…Thanksgiving in October…with our A-list of cooking friends….was a wild soiree with lots of imbibing and laughing…had to throw people out the door late in the night…which only worked when I told them it was the night for our once monthly sexual event…that got ‘em going…

Are we ready for election day…is it safe to say all people running for office are nuts?…..will there be a De-Donalding movement on Tuesday? In Vermont , where there seems to be an effort at returning to some measure of civility…check out the video of two candidates running for state reps…who after their debate sat down and played a duet on guitar and cello….I’m trying to imagine The Donald and Hillary doing such…

The leaves are gone, the leaves are gone….today is first day cracking 35 degrees in weeks and it’s been rainy and dreary to boot….the inevitable stick season that follows the wonder and glory of foliage…the roads are pretty empty as mountain folk hibernate until the first snow and ski season…good time to go out to eat….but a tad depressing….

Last night we had a celebration for the 10th anniversary of our beloved Folk Club in Mt. Holly…decked out the iconic local (circa 1825) library stage and filled it with current and past FC members…..played two sets of our catalog…it was a tossup whether there were more of us on stage or more audience folks show up to cheer us on…the Queen of all things mountain entertained the kids with hearty snacks and good cheer..

Speaking of whom….The Queen has been quite active all week…packing up a storm, hiding the spools of bedding she stores for a rainy day, plotting next year’s home renovation projects, trimming and more trimming of all the gardens…and making the rounds of her social network for fond so-longs….while the much more reclusive self-went off to Minneapolis for a work jaunt, complete with Marriott cribbing and fine French dining…I’m trying to say my own good byes through psychic mediums…

But tonight we have one last Last supper with the Jewish Fish Monger and the French Master Chef and his wife, the Princess of Strange Health Tools…..heading down the mountain to the beloved East for one last Fine Asian dining experience…

But first….miles to go…the yard machines are beckoning to be cleaned and stored, the house packed, and the property sanctified for the assault of winter….go a lot to do…SOOOOO…gotta go get at it…

Be too well, my friends and readers and such….stay healthy, eat good, make love not war….and….. stay …in…touch…

The Earthly Blogger….Estuardo

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