Stu’s Reviews #352- “Book” – “A Taste of Vengeance” – Martin Walker

Genre: Book

Grade: A

Notable People: Martin Walker

Title: A Taste for Vengeance

Review: BRAVO, Bruno……the 14th in Walkers’ Bruno series does not disappoint. Bruno, the Chief of Police in the small French country village of St. Denis (in the Dordogne) , with his trusty steed (Hector), his sidekick canine (Balzac) and his cast of assorted village friends and characters….solves crimes, protects virtue and cooks extraordinary French cuisine in his 16th century farmhouse. You get to know matters of international intrigue, local French customs, exquisite recipes for Canard Maigret and the location of the best wine “caves” in southwestern France. These books should be declared a national treasure.

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