Stu’s Reviews #356- “Book” – “A Bullet for Cinderella” – John. D. MacDonald

Genre: Book

Grade: A

Notable People: John D. MacDonald

Title: A Bullet for Cinderella

Review: I have the serial reader syndrome. I order what I think is the next book in one of my series obsessions, from the library, only to get it home and find I have read that one already….ugghh….this has happened several times recently (senior momentitas?)…and recently left me heading out on the road with nothing to read. When this happens, I turn to my pile of ancient John D. paperbacks I liberated a few years ago from a Mexican Airbnb (shame ON me)….and the result is a few days with one of the absolute master storytellers of our times. Macdonald is most famous for the 70 or so he wrote in the Travis McGee series….but the man was utterly prolific, penning somewhere over 300 novels in his time . “Cinderella” is one of his “stand alones”…..and in my book, thus guy does stand alone. Dark, smoky, out of the ay places….with drifters trying to find some sense of meaning in their life against the odds. This one was written in 1955,an feels fresh and relevant today. Evil, lust, greed and the machinations of envy never go away. Warning- if you start, you may not put it down until you finish…..go to your local use bookstore, flea market, library used book sale…or on line…and grab some John D….you won’t be sorry.

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