Stu’s Reviews #362- Book – “Massacre Pond”

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Paul Doiron

Title: Massacre Pond

Review: This guy and this series have really grown on me. Was not sue aft edit one that I would continue, but they have gotten better and better. Doiron’s Mike Bowditch is the complicated Maine Game Warden who finds more trouble than one can imagine in the woods of remote Maine. Bowditch is a conflicted character sounded by people who want to see him fail; he has a unique family history in Maine and keeps getting sent further into the boonies. The supporting characters are marvelous and Doiron’s knowledge of remote Maine is impressive (he is the publisher and editor of “Down East” magazine there). This is by far his best story yet….and it’s a barnburner.

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