Stu’s Reviews #395- Book – “Light on Snow”- Anita Shreve

Genre: Book

Grade: A-

Notable People: Anita Shreve

Title: Light on Snow

Review: I wandered into the local library to return a book and found this one on the shelf-liked the cover and the title-so gave it a try. Shreve is apparently prolific and very well thought of based on the reviews. I really liked this book and read it in three days. This is the story of an abandoned baby found in the woods in northern New Hampshire by a grieving father and daughter as told by the twelve year old daughter-and Shreve nails the dialog of a young girl- both inner and outer. Most of the story takes place in their 150 year old farmhouse during a blizzard, and I found it riveting and extremely well written. Will be investigating more of this author.

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