Is it Summer Yet?

Greetings fellow Earthlings:

“The ego says, “It’s always something.” The spirit says, “It’s never anything.””…………………………………………………………Alan Cohen (candidate to be a Haiku for Jew)

“ IT is everywhere”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Chuang-Tzu

“ I only go out to get me a fresh appetite for being alone”…………………………………………………………………………………………..Lord Byron

Well……it just might have hit summer in the Greens….and it’s….well…very Green……The flowers are popping…….The poppers are poppering…….The grass is multiplying……The POND is full……The Turtle is sun bathing….The Herons are visiting……75 and sunny…..coolish nights…..Rain, the rest of the week……………………….Summer in the mountains……..

I’ve been ruminating on what went on during the past week…..and it more or less leaves me vacant…so may just stick with the Headlines……

The Prodigal is wandering around somewhere deep in the Andes…….

Quinn-Lily loves the Portal…and the musical story time with Nanna and Papi (Itsy-Bitsy Spider)…………..and had her first dentist visit….

Bebe Sloane tuned eight months …..and is proving to be an eating machine………..

My other son, Jesse Moon….had a baby this week…WOW………Papa Jess………………

Sunday nights at EAST Asian with the Jewish Fish Monger….are the bomb……………………..

This is the primo time of year at the gym at Okemo… is just me, the massive building…..and Led Zeppelin on the sound system…..

It’s a long, boring drive down to Hartford to catch a flight….though the stop at Lisai’ s market in Chester for road lunch…makes it bearable……..

Mid-summer in the Twin cities (they are not really Twins-one is lot bigger than the other) is much better than mid-winter there……and….Minnesotans are extremely polite……

After two long days of training….the hike up the VERY big hill to the St. Paul Russian restaurant extravaganza…is quite the reward…32 kinds of homemade Wodka….and The Borscht….and the Bilinis…

Delta is a vastly improved airline…they have little quality TVs for each seat where you can catch countless episodes of The Sopranos…..woke up this morning……got myself a gun……

Justin Trudeau is hugely more photogenic than The Donald…can’t we just have him?…….

The Vermont State Legislature is almost 100% Democrats…and they can’t agree on anything………….

Jenn has assumed uber-Goddess status with Kevin the Walrus Dumpmaster….he saves junk for her every week (“ I think about her all the time”)…why am I the one going to The Dump?……


The logging trail behind our house is finally dry enough to walk up….though standing water has been replaced by Black Flies (spoken only in hushed tones)….

The Condemnable Shack below is being transformed into a cute little house…..the neighborhood is changing…..-thanks to the carloads of Jamaicans visiting every week… the inside tour last night….Amazing….and…… a weekly new supply of goat bones for Lucy to obsess over….

Ramuntos Pizza….Yes……….

Sunday morning with not much to report….Yes….Yes….Yes…..

No….No….No….Uggh…Uggh…Uggh…Snug in a rug……Give us a tug……Time to unplug…..Oh, what a mug……Been tipping the jug….let’s all have a hug……



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