Mountain Rumblings

Take a load off Fanny…….

“No one’s mouth is big enough to utter the whole thing”……………………………………………………………Alan Watts

“Practice ……thirty more years”…………………………………………………………………………………………………….Zen saying

“When I get offa this mountain…..I know where I’m gonna go….”………………………………………………Robbie Robertson

Does it get hot in the mountains?…….Last week we hit 90 a few times ….no one has an air conditioner…’s either the POND or the woods……Sunday hunting for cool glades by the streams…..Driving in Dumpmaster informed blind circles of love down mighty mtn.-dirt roads….in search of the elusive Pond cleaning crawfish…..round and round we go……crawfish, crawfish, no one knows……..not today……lots of dirt road manna…..find a shade walk… magnificent marble and slate graveyard with Deliverance undertones……marble, marble-makes me warble……..shady grove walk…and then….. on to see the Trout King…but that we can’t find….the King always has crawfish……see The Queen spread the little devils in the brown murk….see the giant crawfish and the motherlode of holding tanks…..make good clear Pond….soon…………….

How do you get to Minneapolis from here……orange barrels, orange barrels…down the I-91 crazed northeast corridor …..the sweltering hamlet of Hartford….. big white Deltabird….full house….get nine month old next to me….boding poorly…..turn out he likes Papi…….a lot…….hold and play with him between nursing bouts……Tess asks “what woman in her right mind gives her baby to lone wolf traveler calling himself
Papi ?”………is this a legitimate question for our post-Donald modern world……..who do you love?………..on to St. Paul……STEAMY……but better than February ice sculptures and gloom…….work….work……….we gotta get out of this place…….Twin-Cities oasis at Moscow on The Hill……Wodka….Wodka….Wodka……mile straight up….mile straight own…..big ass Wodka walk…..long journey into night back to the Mount……to the cool night breeze….down in old, old Woodstock……..

And……..Bebe Sloane poses in yard in “no nap for me” photo……..…..And….Quinn-Lily calls Nanna and Papi for animated bedtime story on Portal……..Huff..….Puff……..BLOW…….

The mountain –skislope -gourmand gym is all mine….mine….mine….this time of year…..Wahoo….anybody home…….just Estuardo in his private exercise manse…..a little tubbing… a little schvitz… best friend…..the exotic Francisco …..Tall, handsome, androgynous actor-boy from the city……doo-wah, doo-wah, doo-wah ditty……talk about the boy from New York City…….man-child leading the current Weston stage production……he likes Papi too!!!!…..everybody wants a Papi……yes?…..tiptoe through the tulips….

Friday night recovery-sustenance….down to magical Manchester Art space……..zoom….zoom….zoom…..round and round up another mountain…..acres of art……see the sky about to rain?……….who made this place…….Dinner question from The Queen: “ do you consider this to be DATE NIGHT”….Hmmmm……can you say CONUNDRUM?……..probably not a good answer? to this one?……….annual visit to hear THE BAND re-creators…….The Wait (Weight) Band……close your eyes…..and…it….is…. the Last Waltz………O..P..H..E..L..I..A………come back home……dancing in the streets ….multi- faceted old hippie drunkenness……crazy Chester followed me all the way home…… my cannon ball……

Oh….No…got to Go…..Ohio mid-summer visit prep…..Nous Allons Mardi…, babies, old friends, house rodents……may not be reporting for next few weeks….find some other Sunday morning pleasures……..CHEERS…..


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