Summer Perfect in the Greens

Happy summer Daze to all:

“Seriousness is the only refuge of the shallow”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………Oscar Wilde

“Nirvana is right there before our eyes”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Hakuin

“ In the summer time when the weather is hot… got women, you got women on your mind”……………………………Mongo Jerry

Back again from the Heartland Sahara… mountain paradise. After the swelter, our return night Sunday was around 50 degrees…..that’s what I’m talking about…… continued to have majestically dry and arid weather all week creating perfect mountain Green Daze….and need-a good –blanket nights…..I’m reminded of why city people have always headed for the mountains in August…

The Belmont General Store has a couple of small tables in front windows for the consuming of questionable deli fare…..and when you go to pick up your mail at the po box….you run into the old pot belled stove crowd malingering at the store all afternoon….that usually includes the Dumpmaster and his cronies and our local stonemason/rock and roll king….when one stops to say hello …it is like disappearing into the Bermuda/Mt. Holly triangle….Yenta Central….

We bought a bag of ripe red cherries at the Hannaford……which in Vermont and it’s three week growing season, is like buying 40 carat gold……Jenn shows up at the checkout with a bag that probably weighed three pounds and rung up at a week’s wages….so if you come to our house and we put out the priceless cherries…..there is tip jar to put in your forty cents per pit…..just a head’s up….

Oh, what a beautiful mornin’…..continuing our summer season at the Weston Playhouse, we made the twenty minute drive down route 100 for the ten millionth performance of OH….OH….OH…..KLA……HOMA…….Amongst the many reasons to go to the 100 year old Weston theater…is that we are often (yes, even me)…the youngest people in the house………huge cast….tiny stage….magnificent mini orchestra….thought The Queen might explode from demurely keeping her vocals in check…

With gorgeous mid-70s, no humidity day in store on Thursday, we took a trek……cruising up Rt. 100 for a meandering drive up the Gold Coast Road, which is our top secret bypass to circumvent the hub-bub of Woodstock….and houses all the cloistered mansions of the movie star and Mafioso set sequestered away in Vermont (it’s not called the Gold Coast for nuthin’)……then made our way to the far side of Woodstock to the Quechee Gorge…..dubbed (quite boastfully) the Grand Canyon of the East…..though that may be a bit of a stretch, it is indeed an magnificent 1000 foot deep crevice formed by the ever decreasing glacial movements…..beautiful hike down to a world class swimming hole, which Lucy proceeded to drink gallons out of…….

Having accomplished our healthy activity for the day, we wove our way down the Connecticut River valley on old route 5…to Claremont NH and the state of the art Walmart there for tax free fried chicken, which is clearly very bad, but is achingly good…and has the bonus of the most classic array of Walmart shoppers, ripe for the camera…..

The artery clogging Fried Chicken proved a valuable addition to our evening picnic at the Belmont Music on the Green…..featuring Mt. Holly’s own Piano Man….whose house Jenn cleans on the side…..Very popular with a loyal local following, the Piano Man is eerily similar to the old Bill Murray Lounge Lizard on Saturday Night Live….close your eyes and you can hear….”Feelings”…..

We’ve spent a pretty lazy weekend, with visits to Ramuntos for Friday night pizza, a late night grocery trip to Hannaford’s and a Saturday evening visit to Sal’s in Wallingford for some red gravy shit… I guess it’s time to visit the ever- dwindling (no rain for a month…its either feast or famine) POND and get to some chores….Music week is coming up this week in the Greens, with The Nave arriving tonight and the rest of The Bunty Station Band by Tuesday for our Thursday Music on the Green gig , Friday recording session and Saturday annual Tie- Dye Festival….naps will be required for all….

Stay tuned for next week’s music week report……..

In Sha Allah…………………………Stu

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