End of Summer in the Greens

Bonjour mes amis:

“Let your life lightly dance the edges of Time like dew on the tip of a leaf”………………………………………………………….Rabindranath Tagore

“What really counts is to strip the souls naked”………………………………………………………………………………………………………Joan Miro

“I leave…..you stay…Two autumns”…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Shiki

Good morning star shine-the Earth says hello………May your Labors be always fruitful….and May you stay Forever Young…….Betcha you woke up yesterday and said “what the hey”….where’s the darn Blog….but Papi was taking an off day to nurse his ailing ankle, the result of the bite of some hill creature of the night (no, I wa not in The Pond)…but today is a rainy day after two weeks of near Autumn perfection in the mountains….so let’s take a little ride…

Speaking of The Pond…my tears of loss should almost be able to fill it’s disappearing water level after no rain for six weeks….oh the water…oh, oh the water…let it come tumbling down (check out the utterly depressing photo)….so we left its lack of tumescence last Sunday for the weekly find-a dirt- road walk….visiting a long line of local friends along the popular Tiffany road, and basking in the wonderful midafternoon early Fall sunlight…..

Monday was a back to routine day in advance of the arrival of Sister Jane on Tuesday for her annual visit. Picked Jane up in Albany on Tuesday morning and spent the afternoon meandering up the Hudson River Valley to the wildly touristic Lake George, where we ate a takeout lunch, from what may be the last remaining curbside A&W (really), by the shores of Gitchy-Goomey….We had planned a quiet first night dinner at home, but wound up being invaded by a string of drop-ins, several from The Queens’ Court, which turned into an unofficial klatch , to which The Blogster went looking for a place to hide (no Marriotts readily available)..when they finally left we settled into watching our latest serial obsession, the melodramatic “Yellowstone” with the I’m over baseball- and now I’m a Cowboy, Kevin Costner..

It was actually a pretty slow week, since SJ really likes to hang at the Manse and groove to the stillness, so a lot of breeze shooting, meal prep and Lucy-lovin’….but Wednesday night we made the onerous 22 minute trek down to the Playhouse to see Weston’s production of Edward Albee’s “Whatever Happened to Virginia Wolf”….a finely adapted play that requires taking double doses of anti-depressants before attending…..perhaps the whole point of the play is to make you feel better about your own life and loves….Mission Accomplished…

Thursday was the annual performance by our local Folk Club for the last week of our Belmont Music on the Green series…the Blogster has insidiously worked to broaden (possibly undermine) the horizons of the FC and generate some affectation of rhythm into the mighty wind numbers….which seemed to pay off this year, with many in the crowd noting the surprisingly expanded (maybe more enjoyable ?) repertoire of songs for the nine piece group squeezed on to the tiny town Gazebo….in any case, it was an absolutely gorgeous, warmish early-fall night, which is a rarity for late August…and much harmonics achieved….(and you can catch a once in a lifetime pix of the Blogster singing alongside The Jewish Fish Monger, The Erstwhile Russian Spy and the Empress of Mt. Holly-wood)

And….have I mentioned PLASTIC STORAGE CONTAINERS?…which have become this year’s sequel to bedding accumulation…each week resulting in the infusion of some new color, size or closing- device- capacity for the ongoing organizing of home items…

Friday was a washout day…devoted to pursuing the elusive cure for the beast-bite…and Saturday then dawned an absolutely perfectious Fall Day…inspiring a morning jaunt to Rutland to the largest Farmers’ Market in the Northeast… and a quick side trip to the beloved Ramuntos for the two slice special…From there it was home and pack up for the holiday weekend drive (can you say State Police) down the I-91 corridor to Hartford to send SJ back to the heartland…having dropped her off, we decided to lollygag our way back, cruising the old route 5 through the top of rural Connecticut and historic Western Mass…..stopping at a Sea Shanty (where was the sea?) for a traditional eastern fish fry dinner……

Sunday of LD weekend is always the annual pilgrimage to the Calvin Coolidge historic homestead in nearby Plymouth for the Folk and Blues Fest (lots of folk, not much blues)…a pastoral hillside setting in the heart of the mounts…heard a couple of aging hipster folk duets, who were shockingly good….and whiled the day away in picnicking nirvana, whilst Lucy went nuts with the sights of so many potential playmates…as is the custom, we took TJFM along for the ride, who seemed to immensely enjoy his rare outing away from his homestead….

And that my friends, brings us to the rain colored day…which will allow for more resting up for the week ahead and leaving Friday for family vacation on the Carolina coast (should be quite unpopulated as we pass all the Hurricane evacuees leaving as we arrive)…The Prodigal is making the jaunt from Paradise and the Bebe and her parental units driving down from the heartland to meet up at Niece Missy’s house in Charlotte, before seeing if we can cut through the barricades to the coast…but that will be a later story..

Most likely off from blogging next week…by stay tuned….and be well.


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