Falling Leaves

Good Sunday to all:

“Among corn stalks…wind rippling….just for the corn”…………………………………………………………………………………Soen Nakagawa

“ The distant mountain reflected in his eyes….dragonfly…………………………………………………………………………Issa

“When the thumb of fear lifts…we are so alive””…………………………………………………………………………………………..Mary Oliver

“Excuse me…while I kiss the sky…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Jimi Hendrix

On the countdown….snow- birding to winter in the heartland in two and half weeks(OY)…but…..this…..has been an interesting week here in the Greens…..Started last weekend with the peak autumn glory of Cider Daze….then down the hills to Albany mid-week for a whirlwind three day trip to very rainy Seattle…and back to winter-like conditions as he we approach Stick season and the leaves leaving for another year, here in the Greens…and, what day is this?

The annual Mt. Holly/ Belmont Cider Daze Festival brought hordes of leaf peepers to our tiny town Green last Sunday for the second day of a magnificent weekend…many thought best fall colors in many years, and somehow it held on an extra two weeks for the event….The Queen presided over the Fest this year…and was in absentia for three days….I snuck off to R-town with The Jewish Fish Monger for the Sunday night ritual Chinese Feast at East (CFaE)…

And…the Jamaicans were here for the weekend….the previously condemnable house looks incredible….they even have furniture and curtains in now….and all the little Jamaican children made a trip over to the festival…providing quite a visual, and adding much needed color to our neck of the woods….

Speaking of the Jamaicans….the uber-politically correct Jenn stopped down to talk to Stefan, the clan leader and owner …..and managed to instead have a conversation with his brother..…not realizing her mistake……to which she later related to me…”well , they all kind of look alike”…..Holy Cow…..what ammunition…. It’s now up on the bulletin board….

After spending most of a week in the basement stronghold of the local quasi-computer fixer guy….I am moderately back in working order….and have recovered 80 per cent of my lost data…which has made me a whole lot less cranky….can you say dependence?

Autumn leaves…….. Autumn leaves….….Autumn leaves……..Autumn leaves……..Autumn leaves…..……All work and no play make Jack a Dull Boy………..

Wednesday was our littlest granddaughter, Bebe Sloane’s, first birthday….WOW…..had a portal in the morning before I took off for the unfriendly skies…..quite the little lady….and……our…. big girl, Quinn, is coming for a visit next weekend with her parents…completing the circle………………………….the whole thing is kid of a miracle, NO?………………………..

So, hit the skies Wednesday for two nights in Seattle…who thought that would be a good idea…..Wonderful Casey annual conference…got to duck through raindrops and see all the peeps I’ve worked with for the last 15 or so years….and swap war stories /share brilliant ideas……despite feeling like a traitor, had a great stay at the brand new downtown Hyatt Regency there……with spectacular view from the 35th floor. Aside from much Yenta-ing for two days…..went to small reception at a local millennial hangout/ ping pong salon….which led to some images I should probably not be sharing (but, Hell…it’s MY BLOG)…it is safe to say that despite my advanced years.. I am still easily influenced and misled……And can you say JET LAG….up both Seattle mornings at 4 am….and then 12 hours of travel back……………………where am I exactly?

So….whilst I was gone…The Queen was in full pursuit of her latest health regimens…..which have lately included deep breathing, ingesting various micro herbs form the southern hemisphere and some mysterious powder snorting….but now, she has found the latest on line Guru (Mercola is demoted)….leading to the daily ritual of ice cold showers………initially for one minute each day……and leading up to six hours under the freezing nozzle….apparently the new Shaman has hiked Kilimanjaro in shorts….and….completed a marathon barefoot……..I am not making this shit up….

And now……I need to go find some kind of sleep formula…and watch the last of the leaves fall to the ground…….so….…till then….


Jimi Hendrix

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