Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Two- Papi Held Hostage

Are you keepin’ up with this?

Early morning hot rain…..wandered out to breakfast nook high up in hills- could not find my way back to cottage-the place is a maize…

No US electric service…bought converters on Amazon but they don’t work here ….had to borrow BIG black box transformer from hotel…..weighs 20 pounds….lights flicker when it comes on…

Long first day of training….but Grenadians are just wonderful folk…..was at best hotel on island with massive spreads for breaks and lunch for overlooking the ocean….probably all downhill from here. Flight tomorrow at 5 am to St. Vincent, where I have no idea who to contact or where to go……island style..

Jenn should be happy…..eating nothing but fish and salad…but quite hungry at night…….need some pastrami….

Rum Punch…….running on fumes already…and four islands, 12 flights and numerous punches to go….

Got filthy typhoid pants and sox hand washed and dry…but had to go find the massive hotel exhaust fan to lay out my soaked sneakers…still going to be a wet foot journey tomorrow….cooties abound

Place filled with Brits and Aussies …all watching Cricket….what’s wrong with baseball?

Trainings here all start with prayer and national anthem….I wept…..and that was before they read my bio for ten minutes….

Surrounded by warm ocean and hot swimming pools…and no play time….ugggh….

Another long day with dinner poolside with my local peeps…….Onward…..

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