Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Four- the Other Side of the Carib

Short report…long day of training in St. Vincent….location is everything….It’s really St. Vincent AND the Grenadines….very touchy here about leaving that out….and Grenadines is where you want to be…somewhere over the volcanic mountain….that’s where all the Yanks go to sun and sun….I’m at the best part of St. V.-a small inlet area on south shore….but the rest….well, it’s a bit like most of Mexico…..Kingston Capitol….dirty, grimy, poor…..picked up by full-fledged military camo guy this morning for hair raising ride through the hills to avoid rush hour traffic….several teeth loosened from the potholes… was in ancient church biding and was a cluster of chaos…need to send them to Granada for some tips…break snacks unimaginable- in church basement, but took one for the team, tried everything to be a good American ……goats, sheep, feral dogs abounding… the locals seemed to like Ol’ Papi…only white man for miles around… was a roomful of very colorful women… men in sight…crawled back to the villa for more work and dinner under the Noel big top… and more fish…and more rum punch….off to St. Lucia tomorrow with a terrible four hour layover in Barbados….Coup still potentially in the offing at next stop of Dominica so not sure if I wind up stuck in St. Lucia for better part of a week ……………………..could be worse

Highlight of day ….for three bucks had my sewage pants washed and pressed….ready to go……

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