Papi’s Big Adventure- Day Eleven- Antiqua: in ZEN

Long night…long day……

Turned out room was right above all night Drunken Disco last night…almost moved…but late…and room offering had twin bed….and even more Motel Sixish… can you say earplugs..

Up at 6…at buffet when opened…got e-mails sent from last night…wolfed down bread, cheese, juice…taxi at 7… long, but very good training day…both sessions had folks dancing… weird space out at the airport….

Had first Caucasian in training…Brit UNICEF woman on assignment….who unbelievably knows our friends Alex and Faith in Mt. Holly…..and has been there…how many degrees?…

Traffic here unreal…more cars than people….agreed to have the locals give me a ride back (stupidly not spending unnecessary taxi fare)…turned out be another “Bus”….and had to go to capitol first…hour and a half getting back to the Den of Iniquity….

Finally, had a building meltdown at hotel front desk, when they said they could not print my boarding pass (American Airlines-can actually print one for first time after six LIAT flights).. and would have to go back to room, bring laptop down to WIFI zone, ..and send them and e-mail with my reservation….NOT…Papi and manager had talk at that point…and got escorted to super-secret private room with computer to TCOB….

Ate at Mexican “ala carte”….at least had table service….found a WIFI spot with light…and an outlet….and voila…..

One politically incorrect note for the night….even very attractive Carib women have ungodly butts sticking out…how does this happen?

Lounging and recovering tomorrow until late afternoon flight to the homeland….getting closer….Papi be home soon….

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