Stu’s Reviews- #451- Book- “Lost Roses”- Martha Hall Kelly

Genre: Book    

Grade:  A+

Notable People: Martha Hall Kelly

Title: Lost Roses

Review:    Brilliant…just brilliant, Kelly, the author of the award winning “Lilac Girls” digs back into the historical fiction surrounding the Ferriday society woman of New York. The first book surrounded Caroline’s efforts to save French children during the second world war. This is the prequel, and is Caroline’s’ mother, Eliza Woolsey Ferriday’s’ story. An extraordinary tale of three women through the duration of the brutal first world war….…. the Great War. Extraordinary detail, magnificent storytelling, captivating writing…….and characters not to be forgotten. Think “1917” meets Dr. Zhivago………These books are masterpieces………. Read 450 pages in five days-could not put it down…

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