Stu’s Reviews- #464- Book- “Surrender, New York”- Caleb Carr

Genre: Book      

Grade:  B+

Notable People: Caleb Carr

Title: Surrender, New York

Review:    Not what it sounds like…. Surrender is a fictional town in the Albany region of upstate New York. Carr is new to me…not the greatest writer, but weaves quite the yarn about two crime profilers who have been exiled from NYC for being too honest in a shame run system and are hiding out at a historic farm in surrender. Two pretty interesting characters, a really convoluted plot, lots of old New York Tammany Hall politics, a rare leopard of some kind and a blind chanteuse…..ok….it has a lot of far out shit. Not going to knock your socks off, but provided me ten days (it’s long) of reading in the Time of Corona.

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