Stu’s Reviews- #473- Book- “The Tattooist of Auschwitz”- Heather Morris

Genre: Book  

Grade:  A-

Notable People: Heather Morris

Title: The Tattooist of Auschwitz

Review:    Oh, my, my…this is a troublesome book…as it should be. The true story of Lale Sokolov, who unwittingly became the man who tattooed the numbers on everyone who came to this pit of hell from 1942- to 1945. Morris befriended him in the last years of his life (he did in 2006) In New Zealand and recorded his true story-told in novel from. This is brutal…just brutal…but must reading in my boo. I swept through it in three days-hard to read, hard to put down. Morris is not the worlds’ best writer, but the story is so gripping, so compelling……how could this happen? It’s also, by the way as story (like a million others) of indomitable will and extraordinary desire to survive….and retain your soul and dignity in the process. OY!

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