In Memoriam

Greetings Family and Friends:

I can drive away the sorrow; I can drive away the pain.

I might wake up some tomorrow, and you’ll pass my way again.

I would beg or steal or borrow, on life’s rapid moving train.

I would drive to west of Fargo, just to see you once again……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………” West of Fargo”- 2003           

My good friend, Steve Hekler passed away last Sunday night after a grueling yearlong battle with cancer. Steve was my first and oldest friend in Vermont. He was a funny, kind, unassuming and extremely talented man…and a wonderful friend. When we first came here, I was a bit lost without the music of the Bunty boys and I immediately met Steve, and he became my Vermont musical muse. We played, we ate, we laughed, we cried. He reactivated my long dormant Jewish roots after 45 years of separation from that culture. The fluent Yiddish of my childhood returned. Our Sunday night dinners at East were often the highlight of the week. He was a young man who left us way to soon, and leaves a giant void in many lives. He will be sorely missed and the world is just a little bit less of a graceful place without him.

Rest in Peace, Jewish Fish Monger.                               

I don’t have a lot in me after this very sad week, so will just throw out the highlights via my Blog Newsflash and let the photos tell the rest of the story………………………

Have now entered into the “Dinner on the Ground” phase of Corona 2020……having guests over to middle-of-the-yard dinners at a very long table for social distancing…who knew?

Made my first foray back to the Monday night Folk Club hootenannies on Monday…. standing ten feet apart on the Village Green…. I have been reluctant to go due to microbe expulsions that come with singing, but decided to gather with my other musical friends to sing Steve back home

THE POND is AMAZING……been in three times this week with very hot weather (90s in the mountains…. but no global warming going on here) and endless work on the property…. even got out the floaty devices this weekend…. clean, pure, cool………amazing…. again……who knew?

The funeral took place in 93-degree heat…. over 100 people gathered at the graveyard…and EVERY ONE of them wore a mask…. outside!……the Bernie-state is indeed impressive in it level of social responsibility…

The Moron-in Chief says “99% of Corona case are absolutely harmless” …. I’m fully relieved now…You?

Once again fixed the 45-year-old tractor this week and it’s back to running……My family always said that little Jewish boys from The Bronx are not supposed to grow up to fix tractors……but who knew?

Did several outings this week, north to Brandon and over to the rolling farm country of the Champlain Valley….and then down towards Brattleboro…..too hot to kayak even though we are now schlepping the beasts everywhere, but managed some very hot walks on the endless supply of scenic dirt roads….and a little Diner stop—–dining out in the middle of their very big yard…..this is our new normal-we only dine outside at restaurants that have pickup windows and very big yards……really, who knew?………………..

The Virus continues to rage in many parts of the country, people are scared and confused and our leaderless nation is suffering from the worst divisive inner turmoil in a century (or at least since 1968) ….hate your next door neighbor- but don’t forget to say grace…and you don’t believe  ___________________________

Be well…stay safe…. eat a little peaches….


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